US President Joe Biden has said that he is considering a request from Australia to drop the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to World – 146 points –
Biden considering Australian request to drop Assange charges

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The country's parliament recently passed a measure - backed by PM Anthony Albanese - calling for the return of Mr Assange to his native Australia.

The US wants to extradite the 52-year-old from the UK on criminal charges over the leaking of military records.

Mr Assange denies the charges, saying the leaks were an act of journalism.

The president was asked about Australia's request on Wednesday and said: "We're considering it."


"Political figure makes non-committal statement, news at 11"

I am still not clear what supposed crime he has committed other then pissing powerful people off. He should get a reward for that.

He published information that "could aid the enemy" and "damage own personnel". According to the military, that's a crime, even if (or moreso if) it's done by revealing war crimes committed by the military itself.

He also published, and was about to publish more, compromising information about a bunch of other people who have lobbying influence over the US government.

And he has got multiple awards... just not from the people he's pissed off 🙂

He is not an American citizen and he is not in the US. How does US law apply.

Every country's law applies to whatever happens on its soil and it's interests abroad.

Whether it can be enforced, is a matter of extradition treaties... or black ops.

He published STOLEN documents. If you want to participate in Civil Disobedience, you have to accept the consequences. He's not in it for any cause other than fuck you.

By that same logic, can Russia ask Japan to extradite a US citizen because they advocated for LGBTQ+ rights while they were in South Korea? Because that's basically what's happening here, I just swapped the offence and the countries involved.

Dude isn't a US person, wasn't in the US when he committed the alleged crime, and said alleged crime isn't a crime where he allegedly committed it. US law isn't world law.

EVEN IF the guy might've been rapist asshole (allegations were fishy as heck), this extradition proceeding is a gross overreach by the US, and the UK should have laughed it out of court. If a country has any leg to stand on regarding extradition, it's Sweden (I think that's where he was when he committed all the alleged crimes, both the sexual ones and the wikileaks ones).

They can ask, but no one is under obligation to comply, just like the US asked and were rejected. If I personally published stolen classified material that would embarrass or materially harm a foreign nation, I would expect retaliation of some sort.

They did something similar with Chelsea Manning, announced they were "thinking about a pardon" to see if there would be pushback.

It's proving to be rather embarrassing for the UK, it's clear to many here how he's been treated and how much of a stitch up the trial has been. I imagine the US could do without the international attention on this - court cases, more Russia speculation in an election year.

And the "authorities" have made their point: don't try to take the piss out of us, we will ruin your life even if we don't get you to trial. Julian Assange's case will certainly be putting off quite a few people from becoming radical journalists.