The New York Times Has Decided We Need to Cut Social Security & Medicare

§ɦṛɛɗɗịɛ ßịⱺ𝔩ⱺɠịᵴŧ to United States | News & – 12 points –
429 Too Many Requests

It's ran and owned by rich fucks who don't pay into it of course they rather we work until we die and die when we are longer useful.

Or.... We correctly tax the rich, corporations, create a single payer medical system, and stop letting the Republicans blow massive deficits without limits and then turn around and point the finger at Democrats when they are not in power.

Most of our current debt is from:

  • Iraq war (Republican)

  • Tax Cuts (Republican)

  • Afghanistan war (Republican)

  • More Tax Cuts (Republican)

  • Covid relief with no over site (Republican)

If we stop the grift of the Right suddenly I bet we could have afforded to take care of every person born, and immigrating to the USA.

Right around the same time they started turning against trans folks. Almost like there's been a change in management.