China evacuates 40,000 people from floods, more rain expected to World – 101 points –
China evacuates 40,000 people from floods, more rain expected

Legitimately, this is how the start of the Solanum virus from the book (not the shitty film) World War Z written by Max Brooks starts and spreads.

Highly recommended audiobook because Mark Hamill does a voice role in it.

my hero! thank you for your thoughtful link inclusion. pray tell which should I dl for the audiobook? It's the same file content for both links?

Suspicious of you to mention that. We have countless floods around the world but you decided to bring up viruses specifically in a China thread.

Since China (with the US) is one of the major offenders of fossil fuels, I am curious as to whether we see more dramatic climate change impacts in China specifically, or if that impact is going to be diffused across the world. China is a big country.

Local impacts like smog, yes of course. Global impacts, not really, because they're global.

Surely all of these floods have nothing to do with climate change and we should just keep right on using fossil fuels.

It's a good thing climate change isn't real, huh?