-> A Perl script that preprocesses C with garbage collection! to – 31 points –

Automatic garbage collection in C is possible with libraries like libgc, but with, you can just preprocess your file into generating heaps, and these heaps can be used for memory allocation. The type of GC is used, mark and sweep + reference counting. Every memory allocation MAY have a trace, and this trace can be used to 'refget' and 'refunget'. Heap items that are NULL or have 0 refs are collected via mark and sweep.

The generated code is very readable, you can just look at it to get a clue. However, this Perl document is annotated with POD so you can view it in man pages etc. I have submitted an ASCII render of the manpage in Gist.

I hope you enjoy this.


Man I C this Perl is so awesome! Thanks for this cool tool!

No problem my good man. Have fun.

Check out my DSL I made for Python in Shell. I checked out all your projects on GitHub. You are a Super Programmer for sure.

Cool. I can't see the implementation though? Thanks a lot man. Really means a lot. @Corbin knows a lot more though. (since I called Rust a 'shitlang' I realize you may be ironic --- Since Rust is more of a 'fandom' than a 'compiler', but I'm not going to offend you by assuming so. If you are truly giving me props, it's really appreciated! :D )

I am a n00b so I really dont have fandom. I just learning and sharing. No offense taken.

It's cool that someone is still using perl. It's sad that anyone is still using C. (Yes I still use it myself, but...).

Why 'exactly' is it bad that people are still using C, a language with 4 decades of toolchain and library build-up, instead of a shitlang like Rust that is mainly used to create garbage webapps?

Ooooh, luddism is so edgy!

And no, Rust is not primarily used to generate web apps, shitty or otherwise. You're thinking of JavaScript.

Cool, as I just said, Rust is more of a 'fandom' than a 'compiler' really, it's also not much of a 'language'. I use C because it's standardized by ISO, not some basement-dwelling incels who keep RFCi'ing their ideas instead of implementing it their own.

If C is so great, why do you have to hack in garbage collection?

I'd say you're misinformed, but it requires some real idiocy to be that badly misinformed and that deliberately insulting to a whole programming language community.

Wow, I would love to understand what leads to such insane views. Like, did Rust kill your father or something?

I'm actually serious, why do you have such love for a bad (by modern standards) language like C and such hatred for a great language like Rust?