Keep Linux Open and Free—We Can’t Afford Not To - Oracle Blog to Free and Open Source – 100 points –

Finally, to IBM, here’s a big idea for you. You say that you don’t want to pay all those RHEL developers? Here’s how you can save money: just pull from us. Become a downstream distributor of Oracle Linux. We will happily take on the burden.


I would trust a wacky waving inflatable tube man at a used Renault car dealer before I would trust Oracle with absolutely anything of any value whatsoever.

That is oddly specific put pretty accurate

While this article has been hilarious, I really wish it was more than just opportunistic talk from a corporation that likely only cares about this because it makes it harder for them to produce oracle linux. I mean, after all, Oracle believes that APIs are proprietary and hates interoperability.

Yeah my first thought when seeing the headline was "That's really rich coming from Oracle"

I suppose I'll be watching two pile of snakes pretending to be people for the duration of which this plays out.

I wish in my dreams for both of these companies to destroy each othr, but alas, it will almost certainly not be so >.<

Red Hat contributes a lot to the Linux kernel and has a history of open-sourcing many of their previously closed-sourced acquisitions.

Oracle bought Sun and then tried to claim that anyone who used the Java API owed them money.

Red Hat is redeemable. What Oracle is trying to do here is like Sauron saying "Hey guys, I really care about open source Middle Earth and want to make things super chill again! Oh, and hey, y'all want some free rings?"

Let's be clear, Red Hat is no more. It is now a set of labels and brands on the marionette strings of IBM, the "let's sell jew-counting machines to the Nazis" people.

Fucks sake, did they really do that?