Stand up to Lemmy – 888 points –

A vendor at a con I was at last weekend sells these cool wood signs. One of them read, "this is a bathroom, not an internet cafe"

Careful, that not only exacerbates hemorrhoids, but it weakens an important muscle over time and makes prolapse more probable. Feeling some swelling there scared the shit out of me and I talked to my doctor and ever since I don't stay much longer than I need to, and I don't strain.

TMI perhaps but I'm not trying to have a terrifying medical condition and I don't want anyone here to have it either.

I hav a terrible habit of sitting on the shitter scrolling reddit lemmy until my legs go numb. Thank you, I now want to no do that no longer.

Where is the box where they pop his hemorrhoids?

It's Reddit

I never understood going on my phone while pooping. It's just inconsiderate to the other people in your house or ar work that are waiting for you to get out because they also have to go.

You don't understand. It's a last shelter from your family for a tired parent

Crusader: you can't possibly hope to identify the stand user

The stand user: