Time blindness strikes...in my favor for once?

AllHailTheCeilingCat@lemmy.world to ADHD@lemmy.world – 39 points –

I am going to an appt. across town, in part to get my meds refilled. I wasn't paying attention and missed my stop, but I also overestimated the travel time required, and am on my way in the other direction with plenty of time to spare. 😸


I need to learn how to do this. Overestimate the time needed for travel.

Yes, and no. Im doing that, and uses tons of energy on that. So now, when someone else is late, I get very annoyed as Ice used so much time and energy to be early!

God, same.

Hey, you're that person that loves unlimited shrampies

I do, lol

Edit: removed cringey face from ancient internet habits

I thought I recognized your name - you were in my red lobster thread recently; the bankruptcy due to shrimp.


Haha yeah. I really annoyed someone by joking around about shrimpfest in your thread. Man, it is super hard to convey tone in text. Hence overuse of "lol" or emoticons/emojis.

You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. If you try to convey tone and meaning, people get upset; if you just rely on context and the flow of conversation - well, that's subjective and cultural in some cases.

Memes are the key. Complex modern hieroglyphics that convey all meaning through image (and text descriptions spoken by ai computer voices for the blind)

If you somehow managed to incorporate grabbing a Boba Tea where you overshot then I'd call that a perfectly executed non-plan.