Night owls of Lemmy, what do you like to do at night? to Ask – 63 points –

Have a gummy, watch TV, play video games.

My wife goes to bed early, so I get a few hours to myself to watch whatever show I'm interested in that she's not, and play video games without it taking my attention from the family.

Make tea, smoke some pot, listen to music and jump between Lemmy and a book.

Quietly clean the house, bake, prep pieces for sewing, write a little on my book. Basically all of my quiet hobby parts. I save thé noisy bits for 8am.

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I have two almost adult kids that live at home. They sleep through it because they are use to my routine. The dishwasher/dryer/washing machine running actually helps them fall asleep by drowning out the city noises with their white noise.

Usually play some games with the Australians or Brits. Zone out while watching other late night streamers on Twitch.

I was playing Splatoon until like 10 minutes ago. It's 2:30am right now.

Fanfiction. The quality of some of these stories is just beyond. Like really?? For free???

Read a book usually. Sometimes programming if I'm in the mood. Sometimes porn, if I'm in a different kind of mood.

Work, give me the night shift. I'm going to be up anyway. I'll sleep in the morning when friends and family are at work/school and spend the evening with them, just like I would on day shift.

Scroll on my phone for hours and be depressed and then randomly dance to pop music for an hour