Smaller instances when and get DDOS'd to – 154 points –

I moved to this instance because kept going down. I also wanted a server based in Europe since I'm European myself.

You're not special. We have Europeans here too.

(I'm joking, but we do have tons of western Europeans in my town. It's fun.)

Yeah, but on the smaller instance I have an account on, I'm still running into issues with communities I subscribed to weeks ago not showing all (or even any) posts. It's the reason I don't use it as my main.

Yeah and you have the risk of a other vlemmy debacle

What happened to vlemmy? I've noticed it's been down for a while but I haven't managed to find out why...

I've been curious about it as well. No one seems to know for certain and we may never know.

Some people seem to hypothesize that the owner got in trouble because they had federated with in the past, which is an instance that hosts content that borders on child pornography from my understanding. The sudden disappearance of seemed to happen just after the admin said they would have to defederate from them because of legal issues... is down a few hours now already. Feel sorry for the admins.