Asahi Linux Code Review. Linux on the Apple M1 GPU. to – 65 points –
eMRT?! Shader images?! Code review with Yuni!!

Live steam of the code review with the devs of Asahi Linux.


What's the experience like? Does all of the hardware work?

I run it on my M1 because MacOS sucks that much.

  • GPU is weak
  • Battery life sucks
  • Speakers don't work

Everything else works fine. My device is always plugged in and I have a headset so I don't notice anything but the GPU limitations, but It's great as a secondary laptop.

I certainly won't ever buy another MacBook, but Asahi prevented this one from being a complete waste

I don't own any Apple ARM stuff, but I think it's still unfinished.

I can't stand her voice.

Nobody asked

Well, I think it's a valid comment. I'm a big fan of her work and I watched a few streams, but the voice seems like it's heavily processed, and to me it's barely intelligible, which makes me concentrate really hard to try and understand what she's saying. I ended up not listening to her streams. I now prefer to read blogs and other people's articles about her and Asahi linux in general.

Blogs are real cool, since they allow you instead of listening hundred hours worth of work read only most essential summary. But that makes them self contained thing, not a direct replacement. On the other hand, how many people really need and can follow gpu driver development in depth.

As an ESL it was extra difficult for me too, though after a few streams I've no problem anymore.

Thanks for saving my ears at 4am