Back when both Brodie an Nicco feared Wayland to – -17 points –
#119 "Gnome good, KDE Bad" by BabyWOGUE | Niccolò Ve

Here is the podcast URL

Lol guys I find this interesting, they made videos that long ago, so much progress. Brodies Podcast was pretty useless short before that, now nearly every episode is really interesting.

AND both Wayland promoters just didnt use it back then.


How do people watch Brodie? His videos are full of unnecessary fluff added with the sole prupose of prolonging them to 10 minutes.

Brodie is my favorite Linux YouTube. I personally don't agree with your statement about full of unnecessary fluff. However, some of the videos are a bit useless, but I have to come across any YouTuber or content creator in general who produces only good stuff. Besides that, his videos are educational, entertaining and on the point. He often does historical documentation too and covers some drama as well (to be fair, the drama stuff is just for fun and he does it a bit too often in my opinion).

Brodie also plays games and streams, but that is something I never watched and was not interested into watching. I rather play games myself.

Eh, I guess I'm just not into the way he presents information. I'd rather read a short article on the topic than watch a 10+ min video with his comments

This is just a YouTube problem not necessarily brodies. You can't post monthly and expect to have the same reach and audience in such a niche topic.

I agree with you in this, that I don't like watching most stuff on YouTube and prefer short articles to read (unless they are written from an AI, which plagues most blogs now). But recent years I became more and more of a YouTube/video consumer and sometimes just sitting there and watching for pure fun is also cool. But I absolutely get what you are saying. Maybe I'm a bit used to his style now.

Often when I watch others, it feels such a waste of time. I have memorized to use jumping to next chapter with keyboard shortcut Ctrl-right, which is a godsend, plus SponsorBlock addon (not only for sponsors, but also for outros, recaps, interaction reminder and such). I even watch many videos at higher speed, often x1.2. Many people are talking too slow in my opinion, but Brodie is not one of them.

Maybe but his channel is a good way to stay in tune with the latest news and drama (especially for people like me who don't know how to use RSS)