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Joined 1 years ago

Sometime between now and September, obviously.

I believe google hangouts and xmpp would like to have a word with you. There was probably a universe where federated xmpp was as ubiquitous as sms, but in this universe, google federated, brought users over with cool features, and then defederated when they had all the users.

If you want another example from the same company in modern times, look at chrome and http/css/js. Google's chokehold on the web ecosystem with chrome means that whatever they do, everyone else has to follow suit or not be compatible with the browser that something like ~75-90% of users use

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Hangouts was built on xmpp, and used to allow federation. Yes xmpp still exists but it's functionally dead.

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Internal memos explicitly stated execs were worried that if they brought iMessage to android, poor families might buy their kids cheap android phones instead of iPhones.

You can't make this stuff up


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My personal favorite is the "companies are obligated to support it forever, or open source the server software hosted by a third party, hosting paid for up front for at least a year."

They get to keep my money forever don't they?

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Presumably the three of us are subscribed to this community because we want to hear about and discuss reddit-centric topics. If you aren't, I suggest unsubscribing/filtering this community

It is ~slightly~ different, but in a way that's worse.

AR uses a transparent overlay over reality perceived through a translucent surface, or at most a small subset of your vision is replaced. Think sunglasses with a screen you can see through, or a small corner of your vision is blocked by a tiny screen.

In Apple's "spatial computing" cameras recreate and alter reality, nothing you see is with your own eyes because no part of the display is transparent.

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you know what? I like this argument. Software/Streaming services are "too complex and costly to work in practice" therefore my viewership/participation "could not exist" if I were forced to pay for them.

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X fire, but in my defense I was eleven

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It doesn't need csam data for training, it just needs to know what a boob looks like, and what a child looks like. I run some sdxl-based models at home and I've observed it can be difficult to avoid more often than you'd think. There are keywords in porn that blend the lines across datasets ("teen", "petite", "young", "small" etc). The word "girl" in particular I've found that if you add that to basically any porn prompt gives you a small chance of inadvertently creating the undesirable. You have to be really careful and use words like "woman", "adult", etc instead to convince your image model not to make things that look like children. If you've ever wondered why internet-based porn generators are on super heavy guardrails, this is why.

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I'm sure you're probably not wrong in spirit, being a terrorist organization charter and all... but a good way to convince people you're taking out of your ass is to quote a source and have the text of the quote not be in the source.

The context is not that the Hamas charter is reasonable, it's that the sentiment that birthed the charter may have historical foundation. Just like Israeli animosity towards muslims as a whole has historical foundation.

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It has always struck me as odd that people surprisedpikachuface.jpg whenever something inherently highly sexual is... checks notes sexualized by spectators.

I'm with you. Either educate, own it, and lean into it, or get rid of it.

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Yeah but can it run signed drm in a way that the owner of the computer can't read the keys? Checkmate atheists.

Not just lower base salaries, its also that the good employees are at a greater disadvantage in negotiating raises / work conditions because an employer declining and letting them go instead would mean a loss of a work visa (if they don't find other work) and potential deportation.

For example, Apple can't legally mandate an 80hr work week. But being an at-will employer, they CAN just fire anyone working 40hrs/week for nebulous "performance concerns". Who is more likely to decide to work 80hrs on their own to hit impossible performance targets? The guy who has unlimited time to go find another job or the guy who if he doesn't find another job in 3 months has to pull his kids out of school and move halfway across the world?

You have a work visa worker by the balls way more than a full citizen.

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Ad revenue is proportional to engagement; outrage drives repeat engagement.

A user has to click a lot of buttons to make this work, android security is doing its job. If there's any failing on android security's part, it's consolidating permissions into accessibility services instead of breaking them out into something a user might get scared to click.

Then again, they did click accessibility services on a "secure messaging" app. They need to learn somehow. I just refuse to accept that the appropriate solution is not owning things you buy. There has to be a better way.

Presumably because currently, activitypub doesn't have a module for secure message exchange that can't be snooped on by a server admin.

Bad human

2/275 would be 99.38% (repeating of course) saved. Please update your human code with a math lesson module. Your humor module works just fine though.

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I don't think it's so much about thickness, but being super thin presumably means it requires less of a manufacturing process and also less raw materials. Could bring costs down on panels and make them more financially viable for projects.

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Hey now, lets not exaggerate and hyperbolize. There are types of non-ad data in this message. "Hello!" isn't an ad. Neither are the links for "Pay Rent" or "Request Maintenance". By pixel count that has to be at least 3% of the message!

Also, I'm sure there's a tracking pixel somewhere, probably embedded in the CDNs for those images so that they can know when and where you opened this message, what type of device your on, etc. That's creepy tracking data not advertising! (yet)

Kids these days, never happy with anything.

I actually had one of these myself. I worked at a college help desk as a student, and I got a call and the guy said "every time I flush the toilet, Xbox live disconnects"

My first thought was that it was a joke, the absurdity of the thing right? I unironically asked if I was being pranked, and he said he knew we wouldn't believe him so he made a video. Sure enough, he walks into the bathroom, flushes the toilet, and like 5s later his Xbox shows a disconnection message on the TV.

Absolutely dumbfounded, I sent the networking guys up to his room, and like all of these stories, it does have a reasonable explanation. They ran the xbox's Ethernet cable under a rug that was in front of the bathroom. Every time someone went to the bathroom, they would step on the cable, and the Xbox would disconnect. The timeout was 30s or so, just long enough that they'd pee or flush the toilet or whatever before they noticed the disconnection.

“[an] integrated vehicle system that uses, at minimum, the GPS location of the vehicle compared with a database of posted speed limits, to determine the speed limit, and utilizes a brief, one-time visual and audio signal to alert the driver each time they exceed the speed limit by more than 10 miles per hour.”

Honestly the only part of this that is unreasonable is that it isn't immediately followed with "the database updates will be maintained and provided in an open, unencrypted format for free for the life of the vehicle, and the tracking data cannot be used for any other purpose". GPS is a one-way, triangulation-based signal. It doesn't inherently track or leak anything. I think we would be a lot safer if we all could agree what speed to go.

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Or you know, if it's impossible to strip out individual data, and it's too expensive to retain/retrain models with data removed... Why is everyone overlooking "just don't process private data, and only use public data in model training"?

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I'd think it's probably not a majority, but I do wonder what percentage it actually is. I do have distinct memories of being like 12 and trying to find porn of people my own age instead of "gross old people" and being confused why I couldn't find anything. Kids are stupid lol, that's why laws protecting them need to exist.

Also good god when I become a parent I am going to do proper network monitoring; in hindsight I should not have been left unattended on the internet at 12.

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It's probably "blocked" by restricting DNS queries to the main site (e.g pornhub.com) but not to any of their CDNs because ~effort~

To be fair, I think one could argue with a straight face that if we're still buying the products, then we really don't care that much. Why should a company be motivated by morality if we as a society collectively aren't?

We should hold ourselves to the same standards or we're just hypocrites.

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This process is generally referred to as The Socratic Method. As you said, the devil is in first convincing both parties within a debate that they should be searching for shared understanding through the process of attacking and defending ideas, not attacking and defending each other.

Ask them for a refund, in writing, document everything, and if they refuse, take it to your state's AG office. Obviously I can't speak for every state, but mine has slapped around whirlpool when they refused to fix a defective fridge, dell when they refused to replace a monitor with dead pixels, etc. I've never had a bad experience. It's amazing how a letter from your local AG's office will suddenly make companies be less shitty to you.

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Monitors. It's not there yet but imagine a world where you have like 8, 30-inch, 4k monitors in a giant grid and it costs like $600. That's the endgame here. Get VR tech to the point where it's better than buying physical displays for general productivity.

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Idk, this new generation is growing up without games like RuneScape and EvE. I don't know where they're supposed to learn about scams like we all did.

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Context? Lol

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Yeah, turns out when the monopolies are eliminated, people get more competition and a better deal on the consumer end. It's why I'll never understand people who say streaming services became as bad as cable.

I'd argue that streaming is in such a bad place right now because each streaming service has a monopoly on their own content. Sure, you could argue that studios "compete" with each other on the content they produce, but I'd argue that cable companies were a different layer of the stack entirely. Cable companies all offered the same channels and the same content, and in areas where they did overlap, competition to offer the best delivery of those channels was great. What made cable bad was that there was little incentive for companies to geographically compete. In the era of streaming, companies have little incentive to allow their content to compete across platforms.

If you ask me, every streaming platform should be broken up from their production parents, so that streaming companies can compete on what they offer, and how they deliver it. There is no incentive for the platforms themselves to compete with each other. It's all about how hard the services can enshittify before people stop watching the content they have a monopoly on.

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Uefi isn't the push, the push is tpm 2.0, which I think is a much much larger percentage of "incompatibilities". tpm allows for drm that is much harder to bypass, since the random number generator operates securely in hardware. It's for their benefit not yours.


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That is usually more incompetence than malice. They write a game that requires different operation on amd vs Nvidia devices and basically write an

If Nvidia: Do x; Else if amd: Do Y; Else: Crash;

The idea being that if the check for amd/Nvidia fails, there must be an issue with the check function. The developers didn't consider the possibility of a non amd/Nvidia card. This was especially true of old games. There are a lot of 1990s-2000s titles that won't run on modern cards or modern windows because the developers didn't program a failure mode of "just try it"

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"Phonk" traditionally referred to the music style itself without lyrics, but as most emerging music styles do, it's evolved into a sort of new-age emo/grunge mix of Phonk, Hip-Hop, and Alternative Rock. All of the below can be considered modern phonk, even though in the strictest sense, traditional phonk is lyricless. A lot of people will know the "phonk walk" song Why Not by Ghostface Playa

https://www.youtube.com/@trash-gang This youtube channel has popularized many of the rising artists in the genere as it's evolved over the last 3-4 years, and if you're looking for some recommendations from an enthusiast, check out (in no particular order):



Jeris Johnson



Kylof Söze






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There are some good ones out there. Where I work, they believe me to be irreplaceable. The truth is that I'm sure there are thousands of competent engineers that could replace me, just not for my salary, and certainly not also willing to move to a small town. They don't want to pay full market rate for what I do, but they convince me to stay on by letting me work my own hours, full-remote, great vacation and benefits, etc. Ive been so productive since leaving office work that the entire organization now has remote work policies.

They've figured out that it's cheaper to just make your employees not hate their lives and I'm absolutely here for it.

Flash drives are notorious for spontaneous and ungraceful failures. At the very minimum, you want a proper Hard Drive or SSD. Generally, any reputable brand marketing a "NAS" drive is probably what you want. Nothing spectacularly fast, but designed for a lot of power on hours.

The joke/truth is that users are willing to pay for good services and good products. Spez could have had a cut of either of those but actively chose not to via the way things were handled.

Unfounded is the correct term here. It's possible that it did happen; evidence, however, does not support a claim that it did.