Ukraine takes down massive bot farm, seizes 150,000 SIM cards to World – 1165 points –

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Context? Lol

recollecting from memory: Early in the war, russian news reported they busted a nazi hideout in the occupied donbass region. The report was accompanied by a picture of swastika flags, nazi tshirts, 3 copies of the "Sims 3" game and a document signed with "Illegible". All layed out neatly on a bed.

Apparently, the instructions for staging the photo was to include Nazi paraphenalia, 3 SIM Cards and a document with an illegible signature. And someone didn't read the instructions properly (or took them too literal), and instead used 3 copies of Sims 3, as well as a document signed with the name "illegible"

Iirc the illegible signature part was debunked as it was a reference to some nazi group whose signature was "illegible" (don't quote me on that, i'm recollecting from memory). But the Sims 3 cards was at some NotTheOnion levels of ridiculousness.

Like putting "null" as your license plate except Humana are reading this, not computers. Clever but not effective.

that is one of the more hilarious things ive heard out of this whole conflict of russia continually embarressing itself

It almost makes less sense WITH context.

Before anyone asks, yes, russia really is that dumb.

“We’re lucky they’re so stupid”

They wouldn't have started this war if they weren't this stupid.

Before anyone asks, yes, russia really is that dumb.

In the US, we have absolutely zero room to talk shit about other countries' leaders doing stupid shit. We sat through 4 years of Trump.

Nah we can call Trump a stupid shit along with Putin.

And Trump is running again in 2024 lmao

Dude's more impossible to shake than a bad habit.

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