1 Post – 109 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

When does this raise questions of precedent? Is everyone entitled to 10 violations of a gag order in NYC now?

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We're learning in real time that the ICC and UN are great tools, until they disagree with you, at which point they can be ignored and even threatened.

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I want to stress that you are expected to block communities you're not interested in.

There's no content curation between instances (an instance is like a niche mini-reddit, but seamlessly connected to this one), so you will end up with US Politics next to Furry porn, next to Star Trek memes, next to NZ local news, next to sports statistics, next to AI Porn, unless you start blocking.

Upside is you can get great science content, AND local news, AND your favorite porn, AND your brand of shitpost/memes in your feed/subscriptions without any hassle.

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You might be fine with having erotic materials made of your likeness, and maybe even of your partners, parents, and children. But shouldn't they have right not to be objectified as wank material?

I partly agree with you though, it's interesting that making an image is so much more troubling than having a fantasy of them. My thinking is that it is external, real, and thus more permanent even if it wouldn't be saved, lost, hacked, sold, used for defamation and/or just shared.

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The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago, the second best time is now.

There is no lesser evil when it comes to genocide.

This is obviously untrue. If the option a) is genocide and b) is genocide and also dismantling the methods to protest it, methods to oust the decision makers, dismantling national security in resources and relationships, at the same time as blatantly plundering both the pockets of citizens and communal coffers, there's very obviously a more evil option.

Equivocation and black-white thinking is comfortable, but there are still shades of brown when the shit has hit the fan.

In the best of worlds you wouldn't be in this situation, now you are, make the better choice.

Tl;dr: By having someone work to design and maintain the game economy, making sure it's part of the development plan.

No actual details in the whole interview.


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Yes, as the blurb says in the fourth word or so.

Edit: did the math and counted up to the fourth word

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Go picket, with enough people showing that justice matters, they'll have to find a less corrupt judge.

Yeah, we got people in droves.

Elephants however are rare and majestic.

Not really true, it's part of religious shame propaganda in 12 step programs to make you more susceptible to conversion.

Might be effective in the short term, but has many other negative psychological effects.

Secular rehab programs are equally or more effective, and require no such shame or disempowerment.

102 times

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UwUpeans, so great, and so horrid at the same time.

You sir/madam/gentlebeing, are a most delightfully twisted individual.

What happened to Romans 13:1

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

They sure seemed eager to use that when Trump got into power.

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Sometimes it's weird living where I do, all I can think about are the multiple law violations by the company in this story.

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If only he hadn't publicly slandered the same person twice more after successfully being sued the first time.

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You should probably update your economic knowledge.

Study after study over the last 20-30 years has shown that productivity remains or increases when switching from 40 hrs to 32.

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Me calling you Shirley, no matter how much you insist you're Tom, doesn't make Shirley a slur, it just makes me a rude asshole.

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The US has tons of culture, both exported and not, and definitely distinct from other cultures.

If anything, US culture differs from others in that the story/identity of the culture is relatively rootless. The American Dream is based on the idea that your heritage can't define who you are, and the rise of post-war consumerism also significantly changed the story of the USAmerican.

That doesn't mean there isn't culture being done (guns, milkshakes, jazz, jeans, Florida man, Burning man, tech bros), it just means that where other cultures find identity in their deep heritage, the US has made a point of not doing that. Which comes off as shallow from their point of view, and narrow from the US point of view.

Real tip I received recently: Ask yourself if you'd eat an apple (instead of whatever you're craving), if not, then it's not because you're hungry.

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Seems like you should be begging everyone and anyone to vote for Biden then?

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They say they're Christian, they do things in the name of their Christian belief, they act in accordance to a Christian agenda.

Seems like they're at least as Christian as the next one, if not more.

How long food lasts in a fridge will also depend on your climate, cooling speed (as mentioned elsewhere), fridge cleanliness, and how much you use your fridge.

Keeping everything covered with lids/clingfilm and/or everything vegetarian/vegan will also prolong fridge life. Keeping out ethylene (bananas, apples) from your fridge also helps.

I just had a soup batch in a few covered jars stay good for 9 days. In summertime things sometimes go bad in a single day.

The best measure is your own senses, if the food smells or looks bad, it probably is. And even then you can sometimes recook it (wilted vegetables can often be used in soup, stew, or even pie), especially if you catch it early.

Also here's a neat summary with some other tips and tricks.

Surely it's Slimothy Jimothy?

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It's supposed to.

A collection of personal opinions are enough to create a personal profile, and are thus protected by GDPR for EU citizens who can withdraw consent for them to be used.

It is also not actually legal for them to change the usage of your protected data before informing you in a clear and concise language, but that part hasn't been thoroughly litigated yet.

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Mostly spam, porn, and recipes it seems from the traffic.

Hey don't feel bad, technology takes a while to get used to, and there's just so dang much information it's easy to get confused.

There's a couple handy search engines to help you find stuff though, I used, and there you can quickly find dozens of articles.

Now, there's a trick to knowing which one to trust, but checking several different sources and see if they say the same thing is a good start.

Here's a representative summary I found from a good, reliable source - the BBC. It explains what happened, what can be proven to be illegal, and how it came to light.

Basically, Stormy Daniels whistleblowed on national TV. Trump committed crimes in funneling money. His attorney Michael Cohen went to jail for doing the thing, and has also provided evidence and leads against Trump.

MBTI most definitely takes magnitude into account. It's bullshit for many other reasons, including not being reliably measurable.

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If you're buying tickets that far in advance, PTO is less of a request and more of "notifying you to fill those days".

Oh, look, the unhappiness could be solved by better pay and benefits

Doesn't actually take long to greenify a city, but you need the will and resources for it, and it will inconvenience people until they adapt to a new usage of the public/common areas.

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Only if he manages to write a manifesto, I'm not sure Trump can write anything coherent longer than 140 characters.

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My list is quite different than the ones currently in the thread.

The boring ones:

Creating a vaccine or other cloaking to make humans invisible to ticks & mosquitoes. A separate project would be to do the same for parasites.

Enacting strict pollution/carbon limits and mandatory circular economy everywhere in the world.

Researching, trialing and Enacting a sustainable post-capitalist system everywhere in the world.

Developing solar energy until covering global energy demands, including a power network that can transport energy from the sunny side and/or orbit everywhere.

The slightly more ambitious:

Establish self-sustainable colonies living on off-earth resources, most probably also situated off-earth.

Create a Dyson swarm with enough energy output for in-system exploration, mining, colonisation, and terraforming.

Perfect matter replicators.

I have some other ideas as well, but those would be a start.

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Actually it's the opposite, skepticism isn't the questioning, it's the proportioning of conviction to the amount of available evidence.

Disbelieving the claim of the Big Bang might be warranted, depending on the level of personal ignorance, but there's much much more evidence for a big bang than an "eternal, ever expanding void" supported by tingling feet.

Feel free to refer to the Wikipedia article on Scepticism, and better sources.

What a neatly succinct way to put your understanding, well phrased.

It's unfortunately conflating economic policy with social policy, and is quite divorced from anything happening since 1917. Most of Europe lives in democratic socialism, which combines none of A), with none of B).

From the power perspective you're mostly right though, in socialism it's the citizen that has rights, in capitalism it's capital. Meaning that voting and influence stems from different fundamental perspectives, sometimes different enough that they aren't opposed (like in most western DemSoc).

Economic socialism typically means that the purpose of the economy is to raise the standard of living for the citizens, this typically means providing healthcare, infrastructure like roads, housing and clean water, and affordable goods. And usually leads to equalising tax structures, with progressive taxation of the affluent, and higher tax burden in the things that exploit/hinder the societal good, like companies, damaging luxuries (like alcohol, sugar) and pollution.

Ideologically it typically means that every citizen has the right to a comfortable and fulfilling life, where emphasis and understanding differs across the world. And it typically translates to citizens having equal, unalienable rights, with support structures in place for the more vulnerable. That could be that official documents are made available in multiple languages, more flexible voting arrangements, advocacy and support for infirm, elderly and marginalised groups. I'd simplify it as: every citizen is entitled to a comfortable and fulfilling life, and all the support they need to live it.

Politically the focus is on common good, with as little individual impingement as possible. Universal healthcare and education are great investments in the national economy, so is child and elder care, which frees up the workforce from other chores. Support for the arts, hobbies, and recreational spaces is common, as is public beautification, public forums, parks/nature preserves.

But none of this is in necessary opposition to capitalism, which isn't a political system of governance more than economic anarchy. Capitalism doesn't by itself have any aims, ideology, or principles about voting rights, it simply wants capital to produce more capital, and would in the extreme not have any voting rights beyond what you can create with your capital.

In the US it translates through liberalism to policy, where small governance leaves more room for individually powerful citizens, of which capital is increasingly the dominant party.

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That's when you do weekly preps.

Isn't this basically the plot of young earth Christianity?

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Sexuality develops at around the age of 6-8, body and self identity starts a couple years before then.

I'm not a child psychologist, but I'd make a guess that trans realisation in children are rare before the age of 3, but after that are mostly a question of maturity, support of environment, and how harsh social norms are.

Also, aren't you still legally a child up to the age of 18? I'm pretty sure I've heard that sexuality and identity develop before then.

Oh, and in case you missed that part, trans isn't about sexuality, it's about identity; fitting in your own body, in your presentation of yourself, in how you are treated by others. Sexuality is it's own separate beast, especially with all the stigma about it.