Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill with no loss in pay for workers to – 1598 points –
Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill

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You should probably update your economic knowledge.

Study after study over the last 20-30 years has shown that productivity remains or increases when switching from 40 hrs to 32.

No no no, hours = productivity.

Monkey types on typewriter for more time, monkey write more code. All top quality. Best code.

It's not just software engineers out there though. I work in a factory and it absolutely works that way here. More hours = more output. If the fucking scumbags like musk and whoever the fuck owns trader joes actually wins this case in the supreme court and they remove all the protections workers have gained in the last 100 years you bet your ass the owner of this factory will IMMEDIATELY go to 7 days a week 12 hour shifts as they won't be required to pay overtime and they'll more than likely be able to drop wages as far as they can possibly get away with.

It's funny because this article points out a pipe dream for Americans, while simultaneously the supreme court is about to pull the rug out from under us and have us move in exactly the opposite direction... :(

And that would be under the government is propping up companies that are that ineffient.

If you mean that the common best practice of working 40 hrs/week is inefficient, then yes.

Governments aren't pushing for 40 hr work weeks, socialists and industrialists of the early 1900s were, and the rest is conservatism.

Cool, so you think that framers get as much done in 32 hours as 40?

I don't know if there's any studies made specifically on framers, but machinists and manufacturers have been reported to, and of course almost anyone in a knowledge job.

So you think that all jobs are more efficient if they just lower the hours?

I'm saying there's independently verified, peer reviewed, and repeated research that show that many jobs keep or increase their productivity.

So then you would need to dive into why that is true. I actually agree with you because I had a job like that when I was not self employed. And the reason I could be ineffient was because it was directly government funded. The only reason a machinest and manufacturing job can be ineffeicinet is because of government involvement.

If you'd approached the conversation honestly 2-3 replies ago, I'd be happy to provide sources.

Now you seem a boorish and rude troll, and you can go be that on someone else's time.


Cool, but you would be wrong.

Your math is wrong

Dude, you have not done a real physical day of work in your life, dont pretend like you even know what framers do.

You can’t even do a cartwheel because your butt is too big. And you pick your own bugers

I nailed it, you have zero experience. Until you understand what physical work is, I recommend you just stay out of it.

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