Link.wav [he/him]

@Link.wav [he/him]
30 Post – 201 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't trust homophobes or cryptobros, especially not those with a history of selling users out like Brendan Eich

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Have you ever interacted with a Brave user? No, they can't.

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Zoom does legitimately suck though, but not for the reasons he thinks. Moreso from a privacy perspective.

Let him keep shit-talking Zoom until my employers switch to a better alternative!

Also, "flip burgers" is a bad description of how hard it is to actually work in food service

You just know someone with a two-stall garage and boat who's always had things handed to them came up with that shit

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I'm sure "no one could have seen this coming" from such an "upstanding citizen."

No one of course, except anyone who isn't willing to gloss over someone's bigoted beliefs about LGBTQIA people.

I did report it. The problem is many of these arguments come clothed in the fabric of politeness. Similar to how white nationalists have tried to persuade me by calling me "brother" and speaking kindly, it might not be immediately apparent to someone why these arguments are harmful. After all, the person is being "polite," and the person who responds appropriately often seems like the unhinged one.

It's by design.

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I wish they'd name the states because some places are drastically worse than others

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If you look at what a raging tool the CEO is and the implications of the browser's association with crypto (no matter how optional), I think that Brave just attracts that type of person

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One of the major issues is that Kbin does not federate moderator actions

OHHHH! This explains a lot. I had assumed kbin was doing nothing, but they could be removing the posts/accounts, but that doesn't carry over to us.

Wow, that's a HUGE drawback to how federation is handled, isn't it?

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What even makes people believe brainless arguments like these? I guess transphobes really, really want to hurt people for no reason.

Do as you like, but don't imply that it is necessary to be kind to those who question LGBT+ people's right to equity. It is you who are working for them when you imply we will lose allyship by not being nice enough.

many people just see the community as hostile and unwilling to alleviate ignorance

...which is itself a bigoted belief. No one who approaches in good faith legitimately believes this. You've been deceived.

The two worst things that ever happened to YouTube were monetized content and Google buying it. It hasn't even been very fun to browse YouTube since like 2010.

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I'm in South Dakota, and I worry that my local library could be next. I know the director, and she's an ally. Always has a display with progressive books, including LGBT+ topics. But we could lose that in an instant to the rapid spread of fascism.

I especially worry about youth in places like Gilette. In small conservative towns, places like the library are essential safe spaces, and they're under attack.

Long term, their attack will spread to bigger cities too, if we don't stop them. We need to do whatever it takes to deplatform and disenfranchise Republicans before it's too late.

So what I expect is that people like me who live here will press the issue, and that we'll oust Republicans in Washington because without support at the federal level, we've got no hope here.

By the mid 80s and 90s, CRTVs took just seconds to show output on the screen. Even the really old tube TV my grandma had would warm up within seconds.

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It was used to handwave away discussions of transphobia, so it is definitely transphobic

That's why I always buy a plane ticket to another country before I browse. You think I'm using a VPN? That's cute.

your follow up explanation doesn’t really go into detail about the sentiment behind this statement and reads completely off topic

Are you misinterpreting my post? These are not arguments said by me -- these are arguments that come from bad-faith actors who are polluting what are supposed to be welcoming forums by putting the onus on us to behave politely when they are coming into threads with their nonsensical gish gallop. Here you can read more about this. It's the "You got upset, I win" bullshit that infested reddit and is now infesting Lemmy.

Like when responding to an ignorant comment, are you yelling at them?

Sometimes, yes, and it is not my place to defend my right to exist, and now I'm yelling at you.

you’re not going to change their minds by flying off the handle and yelling at them or using hostile language

Again, changing their minds is not my place. In an inclusive forum, LGBT+ people don't have to defend our right to exist constantly. If someone wants to learn, there are places they can go that won't exhaust a bunch of innocent people trying to exist.

the ones making bad faith arguments want you to get pissed and make you look irrational

Yes, and this is why they need to be removed from this community. They don't belong in a space that is supposed to be validating and welcoming to all.

Don’t fucking let them.

Oh wow, haven't heard this one before a million times from bigots and their defenders. Thanks for the contribution, Dr. Phil. Now go fuck yourself. Reported.

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Mobile web sites that disable pinch to zoom. I've always enabled the setting in Firefox to allow it on all sites, but I still occasionally find one that somehow manages to override my preference.

Dear devs: There is no reason to ever disable it. It's hostile to all users, and especially those with impaired vision.

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300+ bought in past month

What? Who?

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I feel like public libraries are a pretty good canary in the coal mine

Shit's scary

This is Beehaw Support, and I'm asking opinions of people on Beehaw.

But go ahead and feel oppressed because I don't want your "important" opinions to be drowned out, and have fun on my blocklist

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Yes, louder!

Someone elsewhere in this thread is suggesting that we're all obstinate and inherently resistant to change, but ... I can't relate.

The ability to learn from our missteps and prejudices, and subsequently change and grow, is a hallmark of being human. It's not about education, either. I've known people who only went through grade 3 who are not so destructively stubborn. It doesn't seem like any way to live to tear other people down because I encounter something new to me.

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I even hate how Windows tries to determine which monitors are in use, so if I turn one off it sends everything to the other screen. Just literally be a dumb thing that displays output, please, don't try to think for me.

I've been in forums since the 90s, and if anything it seems to me like many people are more open to discourse now. I got called the f-slur so much back then. The reason it probably seemed better back then to non-LGBT+ people is that they were excluding and marginalizing us.

And if we welcome people like those I refer to in my post, we will be once again excluding and marginalizing LGBT+ people by creating a hostile space.

I don't think things have gotten worse. It's just that whenever we get the slightest step towards equity, bigots push back. The only solution I know is to make that impossible for them.

It doesn't look like your instance is defederated from beehaw

sent from my beehaw™ account

I'm glad I read this post because I certainly don't plan to visit the site.

Everything is bad, but a highlight for me is Ellen Degeneres posting "Welcome to Gay Twitter!" as if she is still relevant or respected by us LGBT+ people, and as if a site created by The Zuck to appeal to the type of person who thinks Miracle Whip is too spicy could ever be "gay" anything.

Joe Biden blasted me with his 5g rays a few minutes earlier than expected

Gotta keep us on our toes, the crafty mfer

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I'm sorry. No offense, but I was specifically asking other bees in the beehive. I'll clarify this in my post.

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It's often hard to be married to someone with PTSD. I haven't had a very good week. In fact, I've not had a very good year. My nephew committed suicide, my parents aren't doing so well, and I feel like I have no one to talk to. I listen, but I don't really talk. And when I do speak, I feel like people don't understand me. If I show even the slightest vulnerability, I get told I'm playing the victim, so I try to keep a cheerful exterior.

The best things I have are: My discord buddies (really the closest friends I've got, which I know is pathetic), and I actually like my job and see what we do as praxis (though it's been harder and harder not to feel like I'm just doing zombie mode).

There's just a deep and profound sadness inside me, and my emotions are so raw that I just curl up like an armadillo.

The only moments I feel alive are when I'm on my longboard or bicycle. I keep thinking I should try to become closer friends with my longboarding pal because otherwise we probably won't talk much in winter. I also reconnected with a friend who I used to be very close friends with back in high school, so I should work on that friendship, too.

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I saw an after school special called "What If I'm Gay?" from the 80s that was surprisingly progressive and didn't lean on stereotypes or tropes. My elementary PE teacher was an LGBT+ activist, and we had at least one openly LGBT+ speaker at a school assembly who spoke about acceptance, and I grew up in a small conservative town.

Even Nirvana wrote in the liner notes for one of their albums that sexists and homophobes shouldn't buy their records or come to their shows.

I didn't know a lot of openly trans people back then, but that's because many people didn't feel safe coming out. Regardless, I can't imagine having responded with the brand of ignorance and hate we were actively pushing back against.

With that being said, LGBTphobia was certainly commonplace back then, but as you said, there was no excuse. People knew better, but they participated in it anyway.

Wherever beehaw goes, I will gladly follow. I'd have a lot more content to share if I didn't fear an onslaught of bad takes and debatelords from other instances.

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Oh man, especially those that have like 100 toggle switches you have to manually switch. I hate those so much.

Same here, my friend. I have a feeling that anyone who can is already doing so, or at least have a second car or something they can sell if times get hard. Most of us don't have shit to fall back on.

Tbf many of us, myself included, had had a problem with the general reddit culture for a very long time (in my case dating back to 2011)

The API change and Sp*z's libelous lies (egregious even by his abysmally low standards) finally gave me the motivation to leave, and I'm genuinely happy that I've never checked back on my old account (which is still up, but has been mostly scrubbed of content)

I didn't come here to find more reddit. In fact, I tried switching back to tumblr at first before learning more about the potential of the fediverse

I thought I'd be pirating a lot after I dropped Netflix in June, but instead I've regressed to physical media and checking out DVDs from the library

Just dispose of them in the trash

It really is bad to flush them