Wild Bill

@Wild Bill@midwest.social
40 Post – 308 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

woman. student of behavioural science 🇸🇪🏴‍☠️ avatar © donnazucoyy

Happy!. The perfect mix of black comedy, violence, and weird central alien stuff.

Experienced this for the first time yesterday. It’s my dad paying for Amazon, and we mutually discovered we couldn’t skip the ad. Asked him, “aren’t you gonna boycott it now?”, and he told me no. “Not too much of an issue”, he said. This is the attitude that enables enshittification.

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This kind of shit makes me sad every time I see it. Unbelievable the lengths some women have to go to get the medication they need. I am so tired of these types of doctors.

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For the males:

Could you imagine being in a relationship with a woman who takes on the “masculine role,” i.e. taking you out, taking initiative, being the breadwinner, protecting you, etc?

Asking because I’ll forever be searching for a man who wants this type of relationship. I don’t know. Reversed roles are sexy, sue me.

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I’m a woman and still I find this meme gives me the heebiejeebies. Stop that.

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And the time this dialogue took place during that same meeting…

In another account of the conversation, Alexander found the philosopher looking attentively at a pile of human bones. Diogenes explained, "I am searching for the bones of your father but cannot distinguish them from those of a slave."

oh my god they made furry art

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It is closed source, after all.

That’s true, but bi women mainly face fetishisation.

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Look, I'm not a family-oriented person, but the following sentences strike me as strange:

My parents are not the kind of people to show up uninvited to anyone's house. They likely will come over once a month for dinner and I will probably go over by myself once a week [...] this potential change of more visits has her concerned that our privacy will be gone.

Why would your privacy suddenly vanish when they only visit once or twice a month? Lol. Agree with the comments who want more context; does she have issues with your family, etc.? Maybe you have two different views of your family that's clashing. Just thought the abovementioned quote sounded weird.

I’m happy such a trivial thing is what’s keeping you there.


yet standing behind a wealthy, old as fuck white man like Sanders

It helps that he has more sensical views compared to the other 2 big ones.

I love this comment. Please don’t fix the typo.

”Do you miss the person or do you miss the memories?”

It really helps me get over friendship breakups and cope in a more reasonable way, since most of the time I just miss the memories associated with the person.

Kudos for the honesty.

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Words can’t describe how much I love this tweet.

Lol, can I answer this even though I don’t have a Beehaw account anymore?

It’s ok. But it’s been hot weather, like summer. I want winter and the cold to come already. I have gotten started with a programming course in C#, some tasks are difficult but it’s fun problem-solving. School is ok, my classmates are nice but unfortunately I don’t seem to have much in common with most/any of them.

All in all, things are going alright. I remade all of my Spotify playlists which has been therapeutic. Now I’m just chilling, school is draining sometimes. But life is ok. 👍

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Oh well. I did what I could and cast my vote for them. Don’t regret it, though, for my first time voting.

Yeah. Incredibly horrific.

British vs American spelling, no?

I have, unfortunately they're too expensive for me.

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why is he red

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So this is what that one meme was about.

this reads like a post written by a paranoid sovcit

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No biological kids. In my opinion, there is no reason to produce biological children when there already are millions of parentless, unloved children in foster homes.

That being said, some days I yearn to take care of a child - to know I have given an existing being the opportunity to a better life.

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felt silly

Doesn’t really sound like isolation, though. Unless they are a hermit. But then they wouldn’t see a person to begin with.

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I will not address the sexual aspect, but the social aspect, I know I prefer my guys to be more “submissive.” That doesn’t mean I want them to be quiet and never take charge; it means I want to be the one to take the leading role, take them out for dinner, provide for them, and so on. I prefer guys who are more domestic, down to earth, more in tune with i.e. cooking (since I am not), but I would also like to take them out for shopping trips and feel good knowing I can buy this person a gift. No, this is not the norm; many people still follow and believe in the primitive gender roles as we know them. Some people who read this comment may not even believe me; how could a woman enjoy spoiling a man!? Unbelievable. But no, I genuinely do, and I wish there were more spaces for women like me with preferences like this.

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College / university, the thing right after highschool.

He looks like an epic 90s cartoon character lol love it

Nutty Putty...

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If you feel that the weather is affecting your day-to-day life for the worse, absolutely. You are not obligated to stay for family or for a job. Prioritise your health, you can always visit relatives.

The Jason Bourne trilogy.

How do people manage to have more than 6 tabs open? What is this talk about 500-1000+?

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