New Explosive Roger Stone Video Dooms Donald Trump’s Main Legal Defense to politics – 474 points –

The video was filmed before the election results had even been announced.


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So if that didn't happen likely Gore would have won?

Would you believe me if I told you that at least 3 of the current supreme court members were lawyers arguing on behalf of Bush in that case?

Kavanaugh, Roberts, and Alito?

Also, while wikipediaing Alito, I learned that Alito worked under Trump's sister as an AUSA and she spoke at Alito's confirmation hearing. Also, Bill Clinton appointed Trump's sister to the appellate court.

Correct. As we found out AFTER Bush was installed, no matter how you counted the votes in Florida, if the vote had been completed, Gore would have won.

Wrong. If you only counted the votes for Bush, Gore would lose.

Tell me you didn't read the linked article without telling me you didn't read the linked article.

"In each case, if the newly examined votes had been allowed to count in the November election, Mr Gore would have won Florida's 21 electoral college votes by a narrow majority and he, not Mr Bush, would be the president. Instead, Mr Bush officially carried Florida by 537 votes after recounts were stopped."

Whoosh. Read it again.

I've been reading it since January 2001.

If the recounts had been allowed to complete, no matter how you counted the votes, Gore would have won.

Bush only became President because they stopped counting valid ballots.

The republicans have not won the presidency legitimately since HW Bush. I don't count GW's second term because the first one was illegitimate.

Gore did win.

Always knew that why hated Bush so much and still do. Gore was my first presidential election. Just turn 20.

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