Legal scholars increasingly raise constitutional argument that Trump should be barred from presidency to politics – 965 points –
Legal scholars increasingly raise constitutional argument that Trump should be barred from presidency | CNN Politics

Prominent conservative legal scholars are increasingly raising a constitutional argument that 2024 Republican candidate Donald Trump should be barred from the presidency because of his actions to overturn the previous presidential election result.


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If only conservatives listened to scholars. Then they might consider a) the intent of the constitution and b) the practical implications of nominating someone so unfit. Alas.

everyone knows scholars lead to education and education leads to a “woke” populace that doesn’t put up with this bullshit. gotta keep everyone dumb as bricks …

"If you're ignoring the constitution, it also means others see the second amendment as null and void."

Maybe that gets their attention.

No, you see, for conservatives, laws are only valid insofar they support them. Laws are for the outgroup.

Lol. They absolutely do listen to scholars, and just like any other political group, they act on what they say when it’s convenient.

Federalist society is covering its bets here - putting up sone legal footholds for old establishment conservatism to use if they become handy - while doing so in such a way they don’t put themselves on the outs too unforgivably if Trump and his ilk weasel this way through this mess like they have so many times before.