Town fires librarian who worked there for 11 years because she refused to remove LGBTQ+ books

USA to politics – 1165 points –
Town fires librarian who worked there for 11 years because she refused to remove LGBTQ+ books

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Library should serve the community, and if the community feels it isnt doing so in its best regard they fully have the right to it, whether or not other people on the opposite side of the country like it

i disagree, communities should not dictate what information someone is allowed to have access to

So does the library contain only LGBTQ+ books or a variety of types? Are the LGBTQ+ books hindering someone to read the other books?

The library should serve the entire community. If the sole fact that a book exists in a library is disturbing you, too bad.

Let's talk about libraries serving the community. My wife is a library administrator. Right now, the library is building a new branch. At the basement of the branch will be a room with a lockable door and a sign-up sheet that has a shower and a washer/dryer. Only one person allowed at a time.

Sounds great, right? Apparently not. According to the assholes coming to meetings, it will encourage "those people" to come to the library (they're coming anyway) and hang around doing drugs and harassing children.

So now they're fighting like crazy to get this room installed. To serve the fucking community.

Individually, people can be amazing. As a group they often act as mindless idiots. Mob rule should not dictate a society

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