What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

🇵🇸 Free Palestine 🇵🇸@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 3143 points –

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Imagine caring about stealing from a thief.

They're just stealing back a fraction of what is being stolen from them.

Stealing from a thief is still a crime.

BTW, if they're a thief, report/sue them. Or are they just "thief" because of an ad hoc moral system you made up to justify anything you do?

Wage theft is one of the least acted upon crimes. This system is immoral, and the people who run it are immoral. Thinking you will get any justice except for what you take for yourself is naive and wrong.

This system isn't designed for us, its literally designed for the people its named after.. Capitalists. Taking anything you can back from them is perfectly fine.

I grew up in a communist country, and we had a saying "if you don't steal from your employer, you're stealing from your family". And people acted accordingly.

You would love that! Or perhaps not, it actually sucked for everybody.

Wage theft (when employers don't pay their employees what they're owed) in the US accounts for more stolen value every year than grand theft auto, larceny, petty theft, and breaking and entering combined. Yet wage theft is not considered a crime.

It's the same story all over the world. The real issue isn't the economic system but rather greedy people in positions of power with no accountability.

The original comment did not suggest any wage theft happening, and the original comment from the communist commando treated all employers as thieves.

What the hell are you talking about? Are you an AI bot or just stupid?

Yes, because every single empoyeer is a thief. Capitalism bad, mkay. Fucking tankies.

Imagine thinking capitalists deserve anything other than being kicked to the curb. Workers do everything, the sooner we control things the better.

Yeah, that's exactly what they said... can you refute that surplus value is extracted through exploitation of labour forces? No? Didn't think so. Much easier to insult and deride, and pretend that was a meaningful or valuable argument, than to actually make one.

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