Leaked Zoom all-hands: CEO says employees must return to offices because they can't be as innovative or get to know each other on Zoom

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Leaked Zoom all-hands: CEO says employees must return to offices because they can't be as innovative or get to know each other on Zoom

Leaked Zoom all-hands: CEO says employees must return to offices because they can't be as innovative or get to know each other on Zoom::Zoom CEO Eric Yuan discussed the benefits of in-person work in a leaked meeting.


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I mean, the guy that heads Teams literally said meetings and subsequent overuse of Teams due to ease of making and doing meetings, is a productivity killer.

I agree. The problem is meetings.

The meetings I'm forced to go to at work almost always have nothing to do with my actual job, but do include the owner telling us how much money the company is making in chart and graph form for 20 minutes, which helpfully reminds me that I'm being severely underpaid.

Yes, I am preparing my resume.

My manager just told us our department is under budget on salary by $250k, because we were short staffed and everyone picked up the slack, but has been slow rolling cost of living increases.

Dude's fucked around, now he's going to find out.

Every position cut/not filled should mean an equivalent pay increase for everyone who has to pick up that slack, or that that slack is left where it is.

And the idiots who schedule many of them...

I just get scheduled into meetings without my involvement or knowledge. Sometimes minutes before they're due to start.

I have a meeting scheduled for Monday. Even though I'm away on Monday and they can see I'm away on Monday in my calendar. I'm just not going to tell them, and see if they noticed that I don't turn up.

Yeah in those situations I choose to not show up. They gonna not show me respect, I'm not gonna show them.

One of the advantages of working from home is you can have the meeting on in the background and get on with some real work. When it comes your time to speak you've lost maybe 5 minutes instead of an hour.

Sounds like to many meetings. Can't do work at a meeting.

I can. Have a meeting in Citrix and I happily work while people yabber on in the background.

The real killer is the face to face meetings. My group supervisor now demands anyone in the office on a particular day go into his office for the team meeting. That's a real time waster.

People online can't hear us properly standing around in his office. Can't get work done while standing in there.

Just let me work from home so I don't have a bunch of people wander over to me to ask stupid questions during the day.

If you want something send me an email and I'll get to it when I have time. Walking into my space, making me take my noise cancelling headphones off so you can yabber at me and break my concentration is so annoying.

I'm untouchable at home. I work until I need a break, then quickly sort questions and queries, then get back into my groove for another hour or two.