Shrinkflation is out of control to Mildly – 869 points –

Up untill a week ago Nofrills carried these "three packs" of salmon for $10. Now the same pack contains two for the same $10. I thought it felt light when I bought it yesterday.

This comes to about $0.02 increase per gram, and a $1.10 price increase overall. Or a 11% increase in price overall. Meanwhile inflation is at 6-7%?


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The worst part of shrinkflation is that it ruins all the old mid-century recipes that were based on "convenience foods" and specified ingredients like "one can" of cream of mushroom soup or "one package" of jello. Nowadays you've got to use a can and a half, or whatever -- WTF am I supposed to do with half a can of leftover soup, assholes?!

Americans in shambles as shrinkflation ruins their measurement system /s

I had a recipe for queso I found that asked for 13oz of condensed milk.

The stores here only sell 12oz cans. So I had to buy a small 5oz one to go with it. It's so dumb.

... Or, you know, just adapt the recipe. Not simping for shrinkflation here, but it's pretty dumb to buy more than you need just to exactly match a recipe for queso. Shit ain't analytical chemistry

Food isn't as precise as people think. I used to stress over recipes and shit when I first started cooking regularly. Shit just kinda works if you stick roughly to most recipes.

Edit: this is just a general comment, I know some foods require an absolute fuck ton of skill and precision to get right

I've never made it before and I usually follow recipes as they are and everything always comes out really good so I try not to deviate from that.

When I get experimental, it sucks and then I'm wasting food.

I was also intimidated by making queso specifically as I have a hard time making sauces. I do experiment but they come out shitty when I do and they come out shitty when I follow the recipe.

Most other things come out fine if it's a recipe I already know and can change a bit without having to worry.

I didn't mean to come off rude before. I'm sorry for that.

I can see this is very important to you and I shouldn't have made light of it.

Thank you. It did turn out for the best that I had extra condensed milk so I could figure out the best measurement for it.

I'm actually working on something tricky making my own queso. I want to make something that stays liquid but uses real cheese.

LOL, it's true!

That said, it's certainly possible to have the same problem in metric. To the extent that you don't, it's probably because you're still cooking with real ingredients scooped into a container in a market instead of processed, packaged ones.

In other words, the thing you should really be gloating about is being less at the mercy of Cargill and Nestle and whatnot than us Americans are.

being at the mercy of loblaws isn’t much better

I'd try adding more milk or cream if you've already got some. I ain't wasting an extra can either. I'm the kind of person who puts a ton of beans in my chili compared to ground beef because I can't waste them lol