YouTube removes video of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Jordan Peterson for vaccine misinformation to – 103 points –
YouTube removes video of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Jordan Peterson for vaccine misinformation

Kennedy, an anti-vaccine crusader, is seeking support for a Democratic presidential run.


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If this asshole actually gets the democratic nomination I will have completely and utterly lost all faith in the States.

You're the first person I've ever seen suggest that there was a chance he could. Am I missing some polling?

Last I heard he was actually polling higher than DeSantis is among republicans. He's a Kennedy so that's going to get him so following alone. RFK Jr has actually done some incredible environmental law work that has earned him some fans. Anti-vax rhetoric was originally a hippie left-wing movement so he's got that going for him.

Personally, I think its just that people see "Jr." and assume he's a younger candidate than Biden. He's 70.

It's so delightfully absurd that the conspiracy theory-loving crowd would be so excited about a fucking Kennedy.

Also, the only thing a lot of people know about him is his name, so they probably just assume he has pretty much the same politics as his dad and uncle. As the election gets closer and people start doing more research into him, I'm almost positive his poll numbers will drop.

Last I heard he was actually polling higher than DeSantis is among republicans.

I'm sure it doesn't help that DeSantis has had a ~20 point approval rating drop since April

Turns out picking a fight with the mouse and turning your state into an authoritarian hellhole aren't good ideas

Look man I didn't think Trump could win either but here we are.