BBC News - Luis Rubiales: Spanish FA will take legal action over Jennifer Hermoso 'lies' to World – 178 points –
Spanish FA to take legal action over Hermoso 'lies'

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You can see that he kissed her on the lips and she said she didn’t want or consent to that. What more evidence do you need? Do you think she is lying?

Yes, we can see he did that. Yes, she said that afterwards. She showed no signs of it at that moment.

I’m not saying she’s lying, I’m saying that the people on here pretend to know everything.

Personally, I’m curious how this goes. What more evidence I want? Nothing. Don’t think there’s more unless we can actually get a video with sound where we hear what both of them say.

So you don’t want any more evidence. So you either believe her or you think she’s a liar. Which is it?

I gave you my answer to that already.

Yes, you believe the abuser caught in video but you’re too much of a coward to admit it outright.

Another one making it personal. Seem certain people cannot have a decent argument without becoming personal.

If your argument has no basis in fact, it must come from your personal values.

No. You didn’t. You said “I’m not saying she’s lying”. That’s not the same.

Do you believe her statements or do you think she’s lying?

Honestly? I don’t know what to believe. She could’ve as what was called “spontaneous agreement” and later on regretted and now saying she doesn’t want it.

Or she did not want it from the start but again how should I know when - I was not there to hear it?

I can say “I believe her” and then I’d be wrong. I can say “I don’t and believe the guy” and be wrong. Doesn’t change a thing. You are making this personal just like the other two.

My point still stands, people here pretend to know everything while we all were not there hearing it all.

So for what’s worth it - I do want to thank you for the respectable discussion. However I don’t like when things become personal in a discussion because that’s when the actual argument and discussion fades away.

I hope though, whatever happens, it will be with full transparency and the right person will be punished.

When someone in a position of power and authority does something like this to someone who is under their power, it is 100% inappropriate. The person in a position of power is always at fault, ESPECIALLY if that person then accuses the other of lying. This should not be a debate and I'm disappointed in your apparent lack of judgement. Do better.

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I’m saying that the people on here pretend to know everything.

This is absolutely true when dealing with tribalists. You're either with them or against them; there is no in-between.

Just look at everyone getting mad at you for even suggesting we don't know all the facts. Sad, but that's what this generation has become. Rabid fools desperate to fit in with other rabid fools.

If they’re mad about an opinion over the internet, well that’s on them. Nowadays it’s pretty much follow the hype train and pretending to know everything.

They can downvote me to oblivion, that’s fine. It’s internet point which does not mean anything at all and especially here on Lemmy. I can still do everything. So it matters even less.

Majority doesn’t even have a good argument point, if I remember well, there were only one or two people who had. The rest didn’t and went direct into personal matters, which isn’t a good thing for an argument.

I quite much forgot about this thread/ argument until, I saw your comment.

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