Trump's drumbeat of lies about the 2020 election keeps getting louder. Here are the facts to politics – 272 points –
Trump's drumbeat of lies about the 2020 election keeps getting louder. Here are the facts

With Donald Trump facing felony charges over his attempts to overturn the 2020 election, the former president is flooding the airwaves and his social media platform with distortions, misinformation and unfounded conspiracy theories about his defeat.


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That's the same thing a lot of people were saying in 2016.

The dude has helped give a voice to the bigots and fascists around the world, let alone the US. Even just riling up that base is enough of a reason to get him out of the public eye ASAP.

That’s the same thing a lot of people were saying in 2016.

About Trump or about Hillary? Because I was saying this about Hillary in 2016 and people were not receptive. She was the worst candidate the Dems could have run.

About Trump. No one took him, nor his chances, seriously.

There absolutely were, and they (we) were largely sidelined or ignored.

So why are you doing it again?

The difference I see, is that now we know what we get with Trump. 2016 he was the outsider, nobody but New Yorkers. That's what gave him an edge back then

So we're ok with the GOP running someone who allegedly attempted a coup because we think he's less appealing to some people who sit on the fence?

(not an american here, so my opinion is basically worthless but from the outside:)

various people said similarly about both:

trump was so wild how could he possibly get elected?

hillary lacks anything that gives anyone any excitement at all, how’s she going to bring out voters?

similar can (and has) been said about biden as hillary: there’s not a whole lot to be excited about, but “not trump” is pretty fucking persuasive to a lot of people… let’s hope that people haven’t forgotten what a dumpster fire trump was… the pandemic was years ago now, and people have a short memory

i think harris faces a similar reception in '28, even as a two-term incumbent vp.

Yeah. She was a nothing-burger of a candidate and has been underwhelming as a VP. VP's dont have a great track record of getting the presidency either.

Its a good way to accumulate baggage while not being able to show much in the way of work done.

She's not liked as VP. I'm actually not quite sure why because she stays out of the public eye most of the time. The first time I saw her surface in ages was over the Florida slavery education bullshit, and rightfully so as a black woman.

It's hard to believe that it can work again though, especially since it's exactly the same person. If they put out some Trump like alternative that was subtle enough to trick some "moderate" independents, I could see it working. But everyone knows who Trump is at this point.