Ramaswamy breaks with GOP candidates, says Pence missed ‘historic opportunity’ on Jan. 6

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics @lemmy.world – 293 points –
Ramaswamy breaks with GOP candidates, says Pence missed ‘historic opportunity’ on Jan. 6

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What he and others who make this argument refuse to comprehend is this: If the VP were allowed to pull a stunt like this, then we are essentially saying that the VP picks the next President of the United States. No need to hold an election; might as well just have Harris declare Biden the winner of 2024 already and let's just skip right to the swearing in. Heck, let's be efficient about it -- who wants to be President in 2028? Might as well have Harris declare the winner of that election too. Look at that; we've got the Presidency sorted out for the next decade or so, and we can spend the next few years prepping someone like AOC for the White House in 2032.

I mean that's the way it works, right? The VP can just unilaterally declare who did and didn't win the election, right GOP? Because if this is the rule you're gonna set forth, we might as well take full advantage of it......

Agreed to me it also seems just dumb for pence. By not commiting treason he's made an enemy of trump, and therefore trump supporters for life. He should really just court the anti-trump republicans rather than continuing to try and win back the unrecoverable trump base.

That seems to be his strategy so far. We'll see how well it works out.

Pence is a religious zealot. Never Trumpers are usually neocons that genuinely believe the bullshit they are peddling, not stereotypically dogwhistling racists and zealots, so he has nothing to offer them and, quite frankly, is probably too emotionally tied to being liked by his fellow Evangelicals to admit his one moment of morality was unforgivable to them.

Harris should absolutely threaten to do this if they don't shut the fuck up and stop trying to overthrow the country. Go full Dark Harris. Fuck it. The repugs already believe anyone NOT them is a Demon anyways.

Harris has been kind of an empty suit so far so this would really help her image too.

Her purpose must be to prevent Biden assassination since killing him would make a Black Female (that's DOUBLE WOKE 😱) president.

Otherwise idk what she do.

No, no, letting the VP pick any successor makes it too easy for them to game the system! We should come up with a completely objective, impartial method.

The oldest child of the current President becomes the next President.

But what if that child is dead, or too young, or incapacitated? Who gets it if they're incapacitated? What about if that person is incapacitated?

We would need a whole line of succession just to make sure that nobody can game the system. I think it's too important to come up with a whole new, untested system so we should look to others for inspiration. I heard about some guy in the UK......Charles something or other......maybe he's got some ideas?