California is suing to stop schools from outing trans kids to their parents to politics – 633 points –
California is suing to stop schools from outing trans kids to their parents

State Attorney General Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit Monday to stop a Southern California school district from outing transgender students to their parents, arguing that the policy violates students’ civil and constitutional rights and could cause them “mental emotional, psychological, and potential physical harm.”

Bonta’s suit against the Chino Valley Unified School District is the latest attempt by Democratic state officials to combat the recent adoption of such policies by conservative school boards. The outcome of the case could have bearing on other districts that have enacted similar rules in the last two months, including Murrieta Valley, Temecula and Anderson Union High School.


The policy passed last month by the Chino Valley Unified School Board requires schools to inform parents whenever a student asks to use a different name or pronoun than what’s in their official record, or if a student requests to use facilities or participate in programs that don’t align with their assigned sex. A similar statewide proposal, introduced by Republican Assemblymember Bill Essayli, stalled and has almost no chance of becoming law in the Democratic supermajority Legislature.


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Please, if they would just make a California without a housing crisis, you'd have 150 million Americans living there.

There is a serious concerted effort by right wing groups to attack several foundational programs in California. Several school districts are fighting back against ultra conservative candidates and out of area people coming in to disrupt Board meetings and trying to erode rights from vulnerable communities.

People may see California as a very blue state, but there are some very conservative/Red areas of the state between the big metro cities. (Think Trump flags everywhere)

Absolutely yes! You don't get a housing crisis without neoliberal policies and medding from the rich. Homelessness? Politicians lacking empathy, and non-profits who game the system with corruption. There red districts in California are HUGE and even extreme blue cities are gripped by the right, kept from helping the working class. You probably know better than I do.

Orange county and the Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District PYLUSD are some of the worst in southern California. They hired a superintendent because he was anti-mask and one of the board members only accomplishments is that her husband is a cop.

Which is why there is a (worse in Cali) housing crisis. Housing WAS cheap in places that people didn't want to live. Now with WFH, people can live anywhere. Republican had to pull out all the stops to prevent normal people from moving into their states.

Same with Mass. They’re quietly doing one thing after another to help residents, but at the same time Boston is being gentrified so much that many families who’ve been there for generations can’t afford to stay. The wealth disparity gap is crushing people in every state, the red ones just try to speed that up more.

And a senate comprised of 98 inbred bigoted hayseeds and 2 sane people.

Is the California senate that bad? I had no idea, shit.

No, but if that many people moved to California, it would tip the balance in the US Senatorial races in the other 49 states.

Ohhhhh. Yeah, for political reasons I'm incentivized to live outside of paradise. Fucking hell.