Baldur’s Gate 3 had to be scaled back for the Series S, but the console still has a right to exist to – 109 points –

It'll be the cheapest place, by an absurd margin, to play Baldur's Gate 3.


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Asking out of genuine ignorance here: is there a setup that allows a 100+ GB game to be played on the 64GB Steam Deck?

You can plug in an SD card and install it there, it will have longer load times but shouldn't affect gameplay much otherwise.

Edit: You can also expand the USB slots and get an external SSD

128GB micro SD cards are like $12. 512GB is maybe 40$. Can get a 1TB SD card for $100 but I think the 512 is a good middle ground between price and storage.

Yeah, 256 is around $20 last I looked, too. Not bad. Been considering getting one, probably not for anything with an install this large, but it's nice to know I'd have the option.

You can also replace the internal storage yourself. The cost doesn't get that meaningful until 1 TB + for the new drive.

Yes, a 256GB+ SD Card. Be sure to enable slow HDD mode in BG3 settings if you're installing to an SD Card. (It will help loading screen times at the cost of using more RAM.)