Every single rising post on Reddit is crypto spam

page@discuss.online to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 907 points –

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Went to reddit to see what the top posts were. Not much has changed.

"I kicked a puppy. AITA?"

"Gang of teens beat up an elderly homeless guy. Not ragebait."

"What are your favorite dating tips? Help me write my fluff article."

you forgot "Men have it so much harder than women and here's an entire fucking essay on why you bitches!!"

The comments are just so much worse than the top posts. It is akin to Twitter after Musk pushed the main active user base away in exchange for a Faustian deal with right wingnuts. That or Reddit was truly duplicitous in their messaging and are perfectly fine taking money from propaganda organizations running in other countries which can pay the API fees to push narratives still. Not that they'd want that before an IPO or anything....

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So the same shit as here, except for the "look at how bad Reddit is now" posts?

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