Every single rising post on Reddit is crypto spam

page@discuss.online to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 907 points –

It's difficult for me to give any less of a shit about Reddit. I'm perfectly happy with Lemmy.

We are so irrelevant that cryptoscam bots don’t target us πŸŽ‰

Nah we just have regular old crypto shill people instead

Cryptoscam bots don't target us yet!

It's been a hard habit to break after 15 years, but I'm getting there.

Luckily for me reddit made it easy by killing 3rd party apps and I only ever browsed it with RiF.

Same, when the app I used stopped working, I tried the reddit default one and bailed out after like 5 minutes of using that ad riddled shitpile

Same haven't been back since I joined lemmy in June.

You'll turn into a pile of salty salt if you look back. Don't do it πŸ˜€

Lol oh I understand that reference and agree I will keep looking forward. But never did get around to deleting my account.

I still have it installed and even though it doesn't and will never work, I still like to open it, and have it once again try to retrieve posts only to return "forbidden". I do it for old time's sake, like a digital pouring one out for RIF and the Reddit I used to know.

They have yet to kill old, but I assume it's coming, and there's no way I'm tolerating the new interfaces.

I still have to google search reddit when I'm looking for specific info like opinions on games. Unfortunately lemmy's not reasonable to search, and Reddit has a much bigger userbase with a longer time to accumulate info about most topics.

Same here

Reddit just that niche 3 sentences of extremely specific scenarios I need

The best way I've found to search lemmy and kbin is using trystract.com with the discussions optic.

Went to reddit to see what the top posts were. Not much has changed.

"I kicked a puppy. AITA?"

"Gang of teens beat up an elderly homeless guy. Not ragebait."

"What are your favorite dating tips? Help me write my fluff article."

you forgot "Men have it so much harder than women and here's an entire fucking essay on why you bitches!!"

The comments are just so much worse than the top posts. It is akin to Twitter after Musk pushed the main active user base away in exchange for a Faustian deal with right wingnuts. That or Reddit was truly duplicitous in their messaging and are perfectly fine taking money from propaganda organizations running in other countries which can pay the API fees to push narratives still. Not that they'd want that before an IPO or anything....

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So the same shit as here, except for the "look at how bad Reddit is now" posts?

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I mean.. I like seeing that it's clearly going way down hill and fast.

The API kerfuffle finally gave us the critical mass ofbusers to make it viable, and it's only uphill from here

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At least they are not doing the Twitter/X thing where they impersonate celebrities to push crypto... yet.

Lemmy Silver is the only fake Internet money I endorse.

Thanks for the warning Ms Robbie. I'm a big fan of your movies, do you have any further financial advise?

You've seen the Wolf of Wall Street right?

Do like the exact opposite of that.

So no drugs?

No drugs. Also, never, ever buy a yacht, they cost way too much money and are bad for the environment.

In that case it's not even worth the effort and I prefer to stay as I am

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This isn't infuriating at all. Where's my !schadenfreude community?

Be the change you want to see in the fediverse

β€œNah I’d rather just sit back and silently upvote while someone else provides the content / comments”

So many threads have tons of upvotes but less than 10 comments

Man you have no idea how annoying it is to dredge up enough effort to post comments and shit. Take it from me, a former 100% lurker on reddit

I find that having a really shit take on something tends to get even passive people talking, but I worry about the long-term effects of generating conversation that way.

I always just try to find stuff to respond to instead of trying to think up hot takes.

I upvoted this comment but then felt guilty about only upvoting so here's a comment

This is clearly the trend for Reddit- posts in general interest subs are frequently reposts by bots and commented on by bots that are karma farming so that they can post and upvote these scams.

The scary thing is that this would be easier to accomplish on Lemmy, we just aren’t big enough to be worth their time yet.

Every day the Dead Internet theory looks more and more correct.

What that is?


The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists almost entirely of bot activity and automatically generated content that is manipulated by algorithmic curation, marginalizing organic human activity.[1][2][3][4] These intelligent bots are assumed to have been made, in part, to help manipulate algorithms and boost search results in order to ultimately manipulate consumers.[5] Further, proponents of the theory accuse government agencies of using bots to manipulate public perception.[1] The date given for this "death" is generally around 2016 or 2017.

Bots are created to generate media and web content as filler, not as a conspiracy. It's not government lead, it's done by social media users, media/news organizations, and others.

However, there are how many billions online? Internets not dead.

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Unrelated, but has anyone noticed that almost all posts and comments have at least one downvote?

When you have a platform with multiple millions of people, everyone is gonna be hated by someone

it was always mind boggling to be on a sub reddit, like say for King of the Hill and someone posts an innocent quote from the show or something and they just randomly have two downvotes for some reason.

On reddit? Vote % is fuzzed a little to prevent spambots or something.

On lemmy I haven't noticed that

Well they changed their algo, it doesn't work like that anymore

Did they? This is the first I've heard of it, was it a recent change?

I'm sorry op, I tried to summon all of my fucks, but alas, there were none to give

Behold the field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see that it is barren

WTF kinda subs are you subbed to, dude?

It's the rising posts for /r/all. So all the posts from all the subs that, if they continue to get up votes and comments, are close to being on the front page.

I bet there are absolutely no bots at work on the platform!

More like mildly amusing. This is what happens when you basically get rid of or dissuade your volunteer mods from doing free work for you.

It should straight up be illegal to manipulate a platform like this using bots tbh.

When 5 of the shown groups are obviously crypto related why is it a surprise? Bots push all kinds of stuff to the top in other popular subs, crypto subs are just getting more targeted bots instead of some tiktok clip.

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And their new Elmo-like system to pay mods will make this type of spam worse as mods will be incentivized to allow this crap.

What are they doing now? I must have missed that news because that sounds wild

Spez's plan to increase Reddit profitability for the shareholders was to implement NFTs. This is unsurprising.

I dont use reddit anymore but still have it installed. The amount of chat invites i get per day from bots is insane.

Not having any chat features was the absolute best part of Reddit is Fun.

RIP old friend

RIF was the only reason I used reddit. 55k+ karma account, 9 years of contributing. 1 post since RIF went down.

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The crypto and buy GME spam from the groupthink "investment" subs was one of my biggest annoyances on Reddit. I used to love some of the investment subs, they got utterly ruined by the GME spam. Every other post is about trying to pump and dump some short squeeze stock.

The saddest part is so many of them don't even realize it's just a bunch of pump and dumps and hold the bag on stocks forever. There's still so many of them screaming about how GameStop or AMC is a good investment. Failing outdated business models, good investments because people short the stock. Sound logic.

I used to browse by new and once you filtered out all the crypto scams it was usually pretty fun and diverse. I do the same on Lemmy now, but there's a lot less stuff to filter. Haven't used Reddit since the API announcement and never looked back, though.

I guess we now get to see what happens with little to no moderation on social media platforms. Starting with Reddit...

What do you mean? You can see that result on Twitter and Facebook now those places are cesspools full of scam posts.

That's fair. I've never been a Twitter user and haven't been on fb in close to 4 years, so they didn't even come into my fov, but you bring up a very good point.

What a fucking disingenuous post. I can go to reddit now, and most rising posts are about things that interest me, because i subscribe to subreddits that match my interests. If you subscribe to Crypto scam subreddits, you can't go here and whine about it. Curate your timeline, just like you need to do here.

I'm so sick off all the FUD about reddit. Yes, the reddit management are basically pure evil, I agree. But reddit itself was barely affected by the exodus.

These are the rising posts on /r/all, not my feed. I've used /r/all/rising for years because it gives more frequent and diverse posts than the same couple dozen lowest common denominator posts that stay on the front page all day.

But reddit itself was barely affected by the exodus.

True, but only for now. There's a single leading alternative as a result of the exodus, and theoretically you can only enshittify something so much before people start to leave en mass.

The only people I've ever seen use the term "FUD" have been cryptobros lol

Why so much salt at people hating on crypto?

The only people I’ve ever seen use the term β€œFUD” have been cryptobros lol

For the record, "FUD" had a long history before crypto was even invented. In fact, in an Internet context I'd say it was much more closely associated with Microsoft nonsense than with crypto nonsense.


I didn't write a single positive word about crypto. I even changed "spam" to "scam".

I am salty at people hating on reddit with tailored examples to "prove" how shit it has become. It's basically people trying to tell themselves that things are much better here, and reddit has turned to shit since they left. My guess is that they actually think the content here is kinda sparse, so they need to keep telling themselves they did the right thing.