Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance to World – 2175 points –
Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance

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None of them is ignoring climate change, Actually you are more than anyone else since you are promoting an energy source that isn't green. Many other nuclear accidents happened over the past years but you sound like the kind of person that doesn't care much about the environment:

"Nuclear energy isn't green" lol. You sound like an anti-vaxxer.

I think you're confusing terminologies here. Nuclear is not renewable since it requires using a finite resource that has to be mined from the earth to create energy, however it is a nearly zero emission form of energy since it's basically a giant tea kettle who's steam spins a turbine to generate energy. That steam is just water vapor, the by products and spent fuel rods can be safely stored and processes or reprocessed. Wind, Solar, Geothermal and hydroelectric are renewable since they require no fuel to operate. All of the above could be considered green since they emit zero emissions unlike Coal and Liquid Natural Gas plants

Citing a Wikipedia article that categorizes things as green or not green is not a reputable source. Anyone could edit the page right now and invalidate your claim. I'm not convinced you are right or wrong but I'd like a stronger argument.

Nuclear energy is THE ONLY green energy.

Weeeell, no. Solar and wind too. But not hydro. Except hydrothermal.

Solar is yellowish orange, wind is gray, hydro is blue. Nuclear is the only green one.

  1. Pure hydro sucks(New Kahovka in Ukraine(2023), Ussuryisk in Russia(2023) and more)
  2. Well, in that case nuclear is brownish-black(color of nuclear fuel) or orange(UO₃)

Was just trying to figure out the other comment's logic. They may have watched one too many Simpsons episodes.

Oh. You were replying to comment above mine, but replied to me. Ok.