Malaysia, India and Taiwan reject China's new territorial map to World – 139 points –
Malaysia, India and Taiwan reject China's new territorial map

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Gawd. Fucking chinese

Chinese government*

Gee who runs the Chinese government?

Chinese here. Please don't associate me with the CCP. Kthxbai

I'd hope most reasonable people see the difference between governments and citizens.

Your English is probably the best I’ve ever read because you speak like an American.

Thanks? Can't quite tell if you're sincere or implying I'm not Chinese. Sorry, Internet and nuance at odds again. FWIW, English was my first language.

I think they're either being sarcastic, or a dick, not sure.

I mean yeah, but at least they’re not sucking peoples blood.

Edit: my comment was meant to be a joke about iamascaryvampire’s username. Sorry if people don’t get it ☹️

Dude its not just the CCP man even the nationalist party of taiwan have similar policy for expantion but we may never know they would have done if they were in power

This is the worst "both sides" argument I have ever seen.

We'd have been close allies and they would have gotten away with whatever they wanted, likely heavily influenced by Western interests in the region. At some point we would have meddled with their elections, as would have the soviet union, and they likely would have fallen in to a fascist dictatorship, either pro or anti US depending on which superpower won the game. And by today they'd be in a very similar stance, not super close to anyone but closer to the country who's flag shares the most in common.