Veganism rule

Firestorm to – 388 points –

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Cutting out meat is already making an intense impact

i doubt it.

Beef costs 60 kg of co2 to produce 1 kg of meat. Fruits an plants still release carbon in production, but much less.



first, i am suspicious of those numbers, and don't think they tell teh whole story.

even if they did, cutting out meat from my diet would have no impact at all.

Your skepticism based on nothing. Giving them your money supports their negative impact.

i know for a fact that a meat eater died ten years ago. since then, the meat production has only risen. i could literally die and never buy another animal product, and it would not change the industry.

Of course spending trends affect the market. Meat processing facilities are slowly closing all over.

Not that this bullshit, empty-headed comment warranted a reply.

Meat processing facilities are slowly closing all over.

it's probably just firm consolidation, not a decrease in production.


I would never click a link from a bad faith arguement in my life. The meat industry is hurting and you're a weak little pawn.

Edit: the user commie is, at best, a troll. The graph they have shown for meat production is simply a reflection of the growong world population. Meat is hurting and the people who work that industry aren't doing well, as in this fellow.

That's ok. There are more than enough sources to learn about it. When you are ready, you are going to do it.

your snide condescension isn't persuasive

Are you open to being persuaded?

yes, but I am also highly skeptical, so you'd need proof, not rhetoric.

Which, as they said, are readily available if you actually wanted to learn.

I've looked and I don't find the facts support the claim above, but maybe there are facts I haven't found

all four of those are just rehashing the poore nemecek paper and editorializing without the rigor of peer review. they are extrapolating far beyond the scope of the actual article and drawing conclusions that are not justified in teh paper itself.

Animal agriculture uses a disproportionately large portion of habitable land per calorie (or gram of protein even)

The top drivers of deforestation are beef production and soy (70-75% of which is used for animal feed)

Animal agriculture is a main driver of antibiotic resistant strains if bacteria, something the WHO calls β€œan increasingly serious threat to global public health that requires action across all government sectors and society.”

that doesn't show that cutting out meat for my diet would have any impact at all. You're just talking about impacts the industry has. I already understand the industry has impacts. I'm saying that my diet doesn't change that.

That's a bad faith argument then. You're saying:

  1. The only thing that would convince you is an impossible to test hypothetical.

  2. You understand the industry causes severe environmental damage, but you'll continue to support that same industry.

I haven't made any arguments at all. I just don't believe things without proof.