Microsoft is killing WordPad in Windows after 28 years to – 1081 points –
Microsoft is killing WordPad in Windows after 28 years

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Seriously. Fuck OneNote with a cactus.

Fuck OneNote with a cactus

Careful, i heard some people tend to enjoy that

I actually have found a use for one note. Editing large schematics. That's it. It's a very narrow use case.

I had a surface in grad school and used one note. It was so clunky but I could edit things on my surface and then pull them up on my desktop for studying or writing papers. I wish there was a better option but it was the best I could find that was cloud based at the time.

It's a crime how many features they gutted from 2016, but that one didn't work great on touch screen for me

OneNote is awesome if you use it properly. As a system administrator, I use it almost every day to dump links, errors and notes and the ease of rearranging or moving it is great.