Smash Mouth frontman Steve Harwell in hospice care, representative says to – 295 points –
Smash Mouth frontman Steve Harwell in hospice care, representative says

Former Smash Mouth lead singer Steve Harwell is receiving hospice care treatment at home, a representative confirmed to CBS News Sunday.

The artist — whose band is known for hits including "All Star" and "Walkin' on the Sun" — is being cared for by his fiancé, according to representative Robert Hayes.

Harwell was previously diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, a form of heart disease.


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Who cares? The dude’s about to die. Jesus.

He's been an alcoholic for awhile, I he was doing good and then his son died and he fell off the wagon a few years later, I don't really think he's been in the right state of mind since

In six months, I lost my dog, grandma, mom, and cat. I can tell you 5 years since and I've never given a Nazi salute. Although I went from a 4.0 student to 3.5 my last two quarters of college while I was going through that.

I'm a nurse and I don't expect much from anyone with end stage liver failure. They start getting encephalopathic and acting nuts. Then I need to give them lactulose and they poop everywhere.

It's not an excuse for him. Nobody gets a free pass for being shitty. Give credit to people who can rise above shitty situations.

But I hate your line of thinking. I've seen it used to bash suicide victims too. Everyone handles mental health differently.

Nnnnoooo, there's sympathy for people who commit suicide. There is no sympathy for Nazis. I've known that dealt with extreme depression and didn't make it but I can tell you they didn't throw nazi salutes during their long fight.

Once again, that line of thinking "I faced this and I never..." is the EXACT same line of thinking people use against suicide victims.

People are responsible for their actions. I'm just advising against the anti-empathy line of thinking where people can't even imagine that others' experiences are different. Because usually I hear it when people put down suicide victims.

well, he has literally been an alcoholic for decades and at this point had heart issues and Wernicke encephalopathy, he was literally not all there anymore.

Also as others have said, your personal experience is just that, your personal experience. It doesn't apply to everyone. His story is an unfortunate one, and it's clear that before he succumbed to his disease that lead to more illness he was an awesome, fun loving, inclusive dude.

Man, judging by that video my man was already walking dead. I'd be surprised if he even knew where he was

Yes everything is about nazis. Love when people cry wolf.

Also we didn't see the entertainment outlet link the first time.

I guess somebody doing a Nazi salute isn't about Nazis? Plenty of things you could have raised this objection about but it seems pretty inapt here.

Also we didn’t see the entertainment outlet link the first time.

It's a video ... of an entertainer.

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