Elektrek: "Tesla FSD Beta tried to kill me last night"

silvercove@lemdro.id to Technology@lemmy.world – 328 points –
Tesla FSD Beta tried to kill me last night

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Ah yes, there's no readily available footage of the dead bodies flying into the street or being crushed under the wheels so it's made up. Of course.

not all accidents are that violent. I would even accept a video of a simple fender bender to prove that FSD beta causes accidents with any sort of frequency. Those should be pretty common if FSD is dangerous as a lot of people are implying, right?

Wait, are you now suggesting you won't accept that Teslas with FSD ever get into accidents without video evidence? FSD is perfect?

No I would never suggest that. The overwhelming consensus here is “FSD is dangerous. More dangerous than humans” Im asking for any proof of that here. So far, nothing. If they were getting in to accidents all the time there would be all kinds of footage, no? The fact is that even in this beta stage its already safer than human drivers. That apparently rubs people the wrong way for some reason. Don’t we all want safer roads?

You sure did suggest that when you said you would even accept a fender bender.

Do you have any footage to share of FSD fender benders? If not how can you even claim it’s dangerous? Every car equipped with FSD hardware is equipped with 360 dashcams. It should be really easy to find some footage where FSD is at-fault for an accident.

Again- you're suggesting they're perfect by implying they don't even get into fender benders.

no what im suggesting is that currently, as of today, they don’t. There will come a day when it does cause an accident. Any self driving system will be at risk of that as long as other humans share the road. What is most important is that we don’t lose sight of the accidents it prevents. As it stands right now hundreds are dying daily in auto accidents in the US and NONE of them so far are from self driving cars. Even with 500k+ Teslas in the hands of everyday people. Any effort to dismiss or shut down self driving car programs is an incredible disservice to road safety when theres no evidence to suggest its as or more dangerous to the average human driver.

So your contention is that FSD has not caused a single accident of any sort? And the reason for that is that you've never seen video of it?

No im saying if it was extraordinarily dangerous and causes “lots of accidents” as others have suggested, shouldn’t there at least be something to back that up? Some kind of footage? I mean ffs they’re recording all the time it shouldn’t be hard.

Except you keep bringing up fender benders, which are not dangerous at all, and suggesting there hasn't been a single one ever with Tesla's FSD cars being at fault.

I said I would accept any form of proof of an accident. Any sort of accident. Major or minor. Are you just trolling?

Again, implying that there has never been one since you haven't seen it. I'm not trolling, I'm showing you what you're implying. Either you admit that it is likely that a FSD car has caused at least one accident, no matter how minor, or you say you won't accept it until you see it for yourself. You are doing the latter, which is a silly position to take.

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Look, I don't like children either but wanting more child mowing cars out on the road is pretty twisted.

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