Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man?

mysoulishome@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 314 points –

Social media seems to be laughing its ass off about this tragedy, is it because the folks at burning man are perceived as frivolous hippies or something? Everyone I’ve ever met who was a regular burning man attendee has been a solid human being with strong morals, personally and financially responsible, a career. Upstanding members of society for sure. I guess all some people know is the sensationalized drugs and sex. A person died. This is a tragedy for an event that brings positivity into the world. Kind of annoyed.


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Just suicides and unintentional injuries are enough to make it pretty close to 1/week/70k.

Again, I provided sources in another comment, you're just ignoring the stats and the history of the event because it doesn't fit with what you want the event to be 🤷

Heck, we don't even know this year's cause of death, might as well be a suicide or an overdose and have nothing to do with the weather!

Haha I don't care so much about burning man as much as this method you have.

So by your math, Somewhere like disney with 50k visitors a day is still remarkably safe as long as less than 10 people a day die there?

I used to work in a casino where we would get 6k visitors a day on average and we had two to three deaths a year. Just because most clients don't realize it happens doesn't mean it doesn't. Same for Disney, some people die on the premise, some people die when they've reached the hospital, but yes, when you have that many people coming every day that shit does happen. Considering its size, Disney has medical staff on the premise (heck, we had medical staff for the 1500 employees and our clients) and they might even have their own ambulance service so as to not have to wait to ship people to the hospital.

I like how you chose casino, establishments known to especially attract the 85+ cohort, which I didn't even include in my 10 a day disney # to be nice. How many 85+ you think they got at burning man?

Do you think 10 people a day die at a single disney park behind the scenes? You're dying on this hill?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_at_Walt_Disney_World https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_at_Disneyland_Resort

sorry but theme park accidents are fascinating to me.

You should really see the death numbers at the Six Flags parks though. Those places are like a god damn death trap for humans. It's insane how many people get injured or just die on rides.


edit cause I hit enter too soon

same, I assume you have heard of / watched the train wreck that was Action Park?

Yes and I believe I once saw an old recording of the guys from Alice In Chains doing like a live broadcast there for MTV. Pretty sure it was an episode of Headbangers Ball.

Fucking hell mate, I posted the stats for 2019 and 2021, go check them, even people 35-44 are at 200 death/100k/year, 130 deaths for those 25-34, 70 deaths for those 15-24, do you think they're all bedridden or something?

Are your feelings the hill you are willing to die on or you're able to accept that CDC's stats might be closer to the truth than what you feel is right?

fucking hell mate, do you think selection bias is a fictional concept inapplicable to your calculations or are you going to continue to pretend that taking an entire countries population and comparing it to any sliver of the country 1:1 doesn't fail basic representativeness analysis?

Do you think not all kinds of people go to Disney? Why do you think I gave the numbers for people under 44 except to eliminate most people who die from diseases?

If I add in the 85+ to the disney calculations it only makes your case worse (drives the # higher). I left it out to be nice.

Would you seriously take your family to disney as long as less than 10 people a day died there? Like get your head out of the #s for a second think with your common sense.

Lets do another really simple one. Imagine a playground near you serving kids 5-14. Are you taking your kids as long as less than 13 kids died there last year? Or are you maybe thinking its unsafe after 1 death? WHY?

You seriously are not understanding the importance of comparing representative groups and this 'compare any slice of the country to the entire country 1:1' method is ludicrous, nothing to do with burning man

edit: hmm the park example is complicated by the fact we don't know how many citizens the park servers. Im finding numbers ranging all over, from 2k to 10k to much higher in cities. For this example we can use a city park with 10k annual visitors, so we would expect 1-2 deaths a year at this park and not bat an eye yes? Either way I think you get my point. Good luck

You're the only one talking about if I would go or not, what I'm talking about since the beginning is that considering the number of people present and publically available stats, it's clear that there's nothing unusual about deaths happening during these events and OP calling it a tragedy is exaggerated. I'm sure they didn't even know that deaths happen most years at Burning Man and they only realised it happened this year because attention was brought to the event because of the weather. Same for Disney, same for any place where there's thousands of people coming and going every day.

Shit happens, there's statistically less shit happening there than elsewhere, get over it.

so you don't think its a tragedy when someone dies?

Tens of thousands dying of starvation? That's a tragedy.

Kids being shot in school? That's a tragedy.

A dude that went to an event in the middle of the desert where people die pretty much every year? Unless they got killed by someone else then fuck no that's not a tragedy.

I've got bad news about global mortality and human's inability to live forever if you think every death is a tragedy.

Are you just using the definition of tragedy here? We can't have any nuance about this?

I can call out someone for acting like the death of one guy who decided to go party in the desert is anything but a sob story to generate clicks.



This year they only had one death at Burning Man? Well there's close to 2 death a second on a global scale. Tell me again how tragic that death was and how tragic them being stuck in mud was. Heck, I've seen reports of up to five deaths in a single year at BM, did you care about it? Nah you didn't.

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