Is there a collection of all human knowledge ever created ? to – 120 points –

Recently I was wandering if there is someone or some group preserving , collecting , organizing and publishing all the knowledge of mankind ever created throughout its existence so that if ever mankind faces the 6th mass extinction we don't have to reinvent the wheel and can have a kick start to our new post apocalyptic civilization .


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I don't personally know of any but in a similar vein there are some stone monuments intended to convey information after an apocalypse like the Georgia Guidestones or the nuclear waste site warning stones. GitHub put a snapshot of all active code repositories from 2020 in arctic permafrost, and there is the arctic seed vault for preserving plant species.

Man those nuclear waste messages makes it sound like it's a cursed land

That's their intention.

The problem with such approaches will be human curiosity. Imagine today's scientists find such a site from the late paleolithic which has messages like "This site is cursed; we buried here what causes death and pestilence to us; go no further or it will do the same to you!" -- You bet they will want to see what is inside the "buried temple of death".

Yes but they would only send one person or a small group, carefully and with protection. Without any sign people would just walk in and slowly suffer the consequences.

"On July 6, 2022, an explosive device was detonated at the site, destroying the Swahili/Hindi language slab and causing significant damage to the capstone. Nearby residents reportedly heard and felt explosions at around 4:00 a.m" the rocks got destroyed by a mere explosive and they thought it could survive a nuclear war lol

Well, if a nuke actually hits anything built to withstand nuclear war, it will break. There is nothing really that can withstand direct exposure to powerful explosives.

I assume the plan was Georgia since there's nothing worth nukeing there.