This Russian woman is a good illustration of how an average Russian person sees the war and Ukraine. It is a mix of propaganda, ignorance and stereotypes, with little independent thinking. to – 172 points –
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"We haven't attacked Ukraine either. We're defending our territory", "Ukraine was ours then [in USSR], too!", "It [Ukraine] was always part of Russia", - this Russian woman is a good illustration of how an average Russian person sees the war and Ukraine. It is a mix of propaganda, ignorance and stereotypes, with little independent thinking.


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Ukraine was never part of Russia. Ukraine was part of the SOVIET UNION. Russian really forget all the time that Russia is not the Soviet Union. Russia did not win WW2. The Soviet Union won the WW2. Fucking losers tell themself the story of how glorious they are, while nearly half of those death were not Russian (Total USSR: 10,600,000 Military death, 6,750,000 were russian - source Table: Soviet Union)

soviet union was basically just russian occupation with some extra steps tho

Not that I in any way condone what Russia has been doing, that’s not exactly right. Ukraine was part of Tsarist Russia before the USSR. However, Ukrainians have the right to self-determination and the right to defend themselves from aggressive neighbours just like anyone else.

She sounds exactly like a Confederate Trump supporter.

Don’t go dragging your facts into this…

Putin tells us what to believe and that’s it. The thinking has been done…

Not sure if /s