Elon Musk ‘Secretly’ Used Starlink To Foil A Ukrainian Attack On Russian Naval Fleet Over Fear Of Nuclear War: Report

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 1669 points –
Elon Musk ‘Secretly’ Used Starlink To Foil A Ukrainian Attack On Russian Naval Fleet Over Fear Of Nuclear War: Report

What an utter piece of shit.


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No crazy person should be allowed to have this much power. Starlink should be nationalized, and instead of a payout Elon can go to jail for all that market manipulation he's constantly getting away with.

Nationalised? More like INTERnationalised! Those things aren’t just clogging up the skies over the US, they’re blocking the whole freaking planet.

Lol jesus fuckin christ you lot are ignorant as fuck. You know how big space is? Let me know if you hit a washing machine in the middle of the desert...cause that's space except on a 3d plane.

But the sand isn't traveling around the desert at hundreds of kpms with the possibility to destroy you if you get hit by it.

That's not how that works at all, orbits aren't random, these sats aren't flying all around the place. They've got one orbital plane until they're decommed to burn up. You're not hitting them unless you tried

I don't think starlink should be nationalized, but i do think the US government should create their own satellite internet system. Creating a satellite network like starlink is relatively easy if you already have the capability to frequently launch satellites into low earth orbit. The physical satellites themselves are relatively simple devices, and the software to make it all operate would take some work but also is relatively easy.

(Note that when I say "relatively easy" I'm talking about relative to other large hightech undertakings, like for example the James Webb telescope)