Elon Musk ‘Secretly’ Used Starlink To Foil A Ukrainian Attack On Russian Naval Fleet Over Fear Of Nuclear War: Report

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 1669 points –
Elon Musk ‘Secretly’ Used Starlink To Foil A Ukrainian Attack On Russian Naval Fleet Over Fear Of Nuclear War: Report

What an utter piece of shit.


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Or OR we ask him to emerge from the Black Sea in his swim trunks to beguile both sides with his majestic beauty and raw sexuality, thereby ending the conflict and bringing peace to the region

He looks like Buffalo Bill here: "I'd fuck me!".

(As Q Lazarus blasts in the background.)

This right here is why I think he was honeypotted by Russian agents who now have kompromat on him.

Then again, being a greedy douche seems his default mode.