Iranian Engineer Who Protested Forced Hijab Sentenced to 74 Lashes to World – 624 points –

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Conservatism is a global plague. Pacifism has never worked to cure this disease. Until the normal people rise up and do the horrific dirty work needed to erase this disease, it will continue to infect and kill.

The cure is not clean, but history has proven that conservatism is a fatal disease when left untreated.

The protests weren't peaceful. They were riotous. It didn't work, unfortunately.

I'm aware. And I am heart-broken. The violence, unfortunately, must involve not stopping until the conservatives no longer exist in any position of power. Extreme violence with a lack of mercy may be required. I don't think the Iranian people really have that in them. I hope I am proven wrong some day. This government was foisted upon them by us. This conservative government was not entirely the people's fault in this case.

For the rest of us, wherever the conservative disease persists, the natural result will always be brutal oppression of the vulnerable. Always. A cure must be administered long before the disease becomes this advanced.

They didn't work because they weren't fighting Islam they were fighting a more extreme version of it. Diet Islam vs Real Islam = Real Islam winning.

Successful revolutions it is trivial to name Atheist/Diest leaders.

If the cure for violence is more violence, are you really solving anything?

I mean yes.

Fair enough, violence away and we'll see how it plays out.

The ones that lose don’t ever argue. In fact, everyone alive today is the product of one group violently defeating the other. It sucks, but the person that doesn’t fight back doesn’t survive to future generations while the bullies proliferate.

Tit for Tat seems the way to go

They say those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. Maybe they should also say those who know history will choose to repeat it.

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