Consumer Nintendo Switch 2 rumored to have more RAM than the Xbox Series S to – 77 points –

A new Nintendo Switch 2 rumor has surfaced claiming that the next-generation hybrid console could actually arrive with more memory than a powerful rival like the Microsoft Xbox Series S. The same source has also offered an update in regard to the Switch 2’s potential DLSS support and ray-tracing capabilities.


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More RAM doesn’t really mean anything in gaming performance. It helps, but a faster CPU and GPU with a good whack of VRAM is gonna help more.

arguably RAM matters the most

gpu and cpu you can just downgrade the quality, but at a certain point everything has to fit into memory

e.g., baldur's gate 3 literally couldn't be properly ported to the S because of a RAM limitation

Also, textures, usually they don't really cost performance and absolutely change the visuals of a game, but can be massively limited by a lack of ram

Oh shit, really? Wasn’t even aware of that lol, I always had the generally recommended amount of RAM in my gaming rig so I never thought that would be a thing.

There is a point where more ram doesnt help and maybe that's what you are thinking of. It's more "must be this tall to ride" from my understanding

Consoles have shared RAM between CPU and GPU, more RAM is more VRAM

You are thinking from pc pov. PS3 is perhaps the last major home console that have dedicated ram and vram, maybe 3ds had it on the handheld front

Not sure about 3DS, but the PlayStation Vita had 128 MB of VRAM in addition to the 512 MB of system RAM.