Apple’s new USB-C iPhone cables and dongles are predictably expensive to – 134 points –
Apple’s new USB-C iPhone cables and dongles are predictably expensive

The switch to USB-C is good! Except for all the dongles you’ll need to get there.


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and yet people will still buy them.

I mean, yeah. I use Android because I hate Apple's walled garden and smug attitude, but when I was shopping for a phone recently it kinda became clear how Apple has gotten their market share in North America.

Android manufacturers simply refuse to use sensible naming schemes and many of the best Android phones aren't available in the US at all. Not to mention a constant push to follow Apple up whatever blind alley they happen to be going in at the time. I'm still salty about headphones jacks.

Apple fanboys are the definition of sheep

The problem is that they have the money, we have just mouths