Lauren Boebert Caught Vaping in Theater CCTV After Blaming Smoke on Fog Machine

Flying to politics – 806 points –
Lauren Boebert Caught Vaping in Theater CCTV After Blaming Smoke on Fog Machine

This story just gets better and better.


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Look, I vape! -blows a giant cloud the size of someone’s head in a crowded theatre-

She knew exactly what was happening. I’ve been vaping near enough ten years and haven’t ever felt the need for that big or hot of a hit. I guess it would be viable to have a home build that you don’t use in public spaces, but personally I’ve always preferred small, low temp hits with significantly less exhaust. Though I suppose expecting her or those like her to be considerate of others is like expecting a capybara to have scales. Utter nonsense.

for that big or hot of a hit.

She's a conservative so there is an innate need to prove they aren't weak or meek. She does this by picking on the weak and meek around her to prove she isn't "one of them".

It's also a convenient way to refill on the hot air when they're running low. You don't want to see how they top off their bullshit tank. It's not pretty.

Seriously what an idiot. If you need to hit your vape, at the very least go the restroom and small puff in the stall incognito style. Not trying to champion that and of course you should really go outside but good lord. Complete blatant dumbassery here.

Bathroom or even the hall or the freakin back of the theater even. Literally any amount of consideration for others and she might lose her voters though.

People get high, drunk and fuck on the rear seats all the time without messing with anyone. But yeah, it doesn't count if you aren't an asshole to others while doing it.

If she had whipped out a pufco i might have to find a modicum of respect for this.

If she had a puffco it’d be significantly less of a disturbance than that unnecessary cloud of waste.