Lauren Boebert Caught Vaping in Theater CCTV After Blaming Smoke on Fog Machine

Flying to politics – 806 points –
Lauren Boebert Caught Vaping in Theater CCTV After Blaming Smoke on Fog Machine

This story just gets better and better.


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Anyone see the part where her boyfriend there was grabbing her boob for a solid 2 minutes? Classy.

tbh I'd do the same thing. Totally trashy and she's a disgusting person, but... that's how I like them.

She's a good example of how being ugly on the inside can show on the outside... when she was first elected, I don't remember thinking she looked ao ridiculous, but now all I see is Mr. Ed's racist, less educated cousin.

Yeah, how this became about vaping is a real head-scratcher. Sure, it's rude, but come on. The rest of the story is so much more compelling.