The only difference between a humane and an inhumane death, is whether or not it leaves a mess. to – -12 points –

A person can be killed instantly through many different means.

As we know it, to be killed painlessly, is to be killed instantly.

If you instantly destroy a person's entire brain then they died without pain.

Yet the most effective ways of instantly destroying someone's entire brain are considered inhumane.

If instantly killing someone by smashing their head with a massive rock, or shooting them in the brain stem is inhumane, then there is no humane way to kill someone at all.


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Here is a tip: The world is not the USA...

If you are complaining about something that happens in the USA, say so.

But he isn't wrong, executions are regularly business everywhere except in EU Countrys.

144 countries had abolished the death penalty in law

The EU is a lot bigger than I thought...

Sorry, but there are more countries without the death penalty than with it.

The top 8 most populated countries still have it. Just those 8 (not including other countries where it's legal) make up ~4.3 billion people. Over half of the global population.

Abolished death penalty by law but still regularly kill people. And i said EU because its the only "continent" without it, excluding Russia. Its not necessary to name every individual country.

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