Americans, what is something that Europeans have/do that makes no sense to you?

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For starters, I couldn't find any bugles. But I did spend a month or two over there and a few hotels had these weird showers where there was only a half pane of protection abridged to the wall. So the shower head pointed away from the coverage and there was no curtain! Every shower seemed to be just flooding the bathroom and not be in the tub. Either that or I'm an idiot. I will equally accept both scenarios

I couldn't find any bugles

The bastards stopped selling them in Canada too.

I miss my crunchy finger hats.

Several hotels just have poorly "designed" bathrooms. Often it's more like they tried to fit the current style somehow into the existing rooms.

When done correctly, water will stay in a certain area without sprinkling or even flooding everything else.

There's loads of Bugles everywhere I've been, we even have stuff to put in them.

Can you find an example picture of the shower situation? I'm intrigued.

If you're putting water all over the floor when using a shower like this one, it's definitely user error.

I'm not OP but the picture I found is far from the worst offender, I rented somewhere for a while where the top of the screen door wasn't close to being as tall as me or the shower. It really isn't as simple as people just being stupid.

Yeah I can definitely agree some are much worse! I was just referring to the specific one in this picture.

In my old apartment in the Netherlands the shower was literally just going to the floor and the entire bathroom was a "wet room", the drain wasn't even under the shower but in another corner. It was weird but actually I loved it, cleaning the place was so easy, just get naked, scrub with cleaning products and then rinse the entire room down with the showerhead.