Donald Trump warns of threat of World War II, mixes up names of Joe Biden and Barack Obama in Washington speech to – 815 points –
'I'm leading Obama by a lot': Donald Trump appears to get his political rivals mixed up, warns of World War II

Mr Trump made the gaffe about the threat of World War II — which finished in 1945 — during the part of his address in which he was questioning the mental acuity of 80-year-old Mr Biden.


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It's kind of amazing this kind of exactly what's expected and has been shown before is considered news, even aside from it just being more bland political shit-slinging.

I too get upset when my presidential candidates are followed and reported on. What are these journalists thinking lately?

It's weird that you consider TMZ-quality nonsense reporting.

It's worth knowing if Trump actually thinks that we haven't had world war two already.

It's weird that you interpret something highlighted as a gaffe as knowing - right up there with those whining about Biden's speech issues.

It's weird that you think a pattern of demented speech is not news worthy. Actually kind of hilarious you're trying to sound smart as you stand up specifically for Donald Trump.

Absolutely 100% newsworthy and not even slightly how you're trying to paint it. Go back to 4chan

It’s weird that you think a pattern of demented speech is not news worthy.

You're performing the blue team equivalent of whining about Biden's stutter after defending Biden's stutter. The irony is amazing.

Go back to 4chan

Right after you go back to r/Politics.

I was banned in that sub more than once, but sure. That and the fact that I'm forever boycotting reddit...totally, I'm clamoring to use a shitty sub there.

No one really gives a flying fuck about shitty wrong opinions that help no one except Trump. Except in r/conservative, perhaps where I should have told you to go back to instead

I was banned in that sub more than once, but sure.

It's not hard to see why - they tend not to like blatant trolls, even blue-friendly ones.

That and the fact that I’m forever boycotting reddit…totally, I’m clamoring to use a shitty sub there.

It's unfortunate you decided to migrate Reddit idiocy as well.

No one really gives a flying fuck about shitty wrong opinions

And yet, you keep posting this nonsense.

Except in r/conservative, perhaps where I should have told you to go back to instead

Ahh, I see - to you, the mere criticism of this being not newsworthy is somehow a defense of Trump therefore I'm conservative. Brilliant partisan thinking there.

No one cares that you think you're being somehow superior to everyone else for defending Trump. Go away, magat (I don't give a fuck if you somehow aren't a trump supporter, you strapped on their uniform)

No one cares that you think you’re being somehow superior to everyone else for defending Trump.

It's incredible you can't fathom a world where a criticism of the newsworthiness of an article isn't also somehow a stretched defense of the subject of the article.

This is your brain on partisanship, folks.

Go away, magat (I don’t give a fuck if you somehow aren’t a trump supporter, you strapped on their uniform


If Biden studders it's reported, and I've no doubt you have no problem with that, despite the fact that he has a well documented speech impediment and also stuttering isn't actually a sign that someone is an incompetent moron incapable of running a 711.

If Biden studders it’s reported, and I’ve no doubt you have no problem with that

Feel free to continue making bad assumptions. I'm not sure how a criticism of the lack of newsworthiness of Trump's latest failing somehow implies Biden stuttering is somehow newsworthy, but you do you.